Cover image for Man-machine dialogue : design and challenges
Man-machine dialogue : design and challenges
Personal Author:
Computer Engineering series
Publication Information:
London : ISTE ; Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2013
Physical Description:
xx, 210 p. ; 24 cm.
Added Author:


Item Barcode
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Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010305815 TA167 L36 2013 Open Access Book Book

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This book summarizes the main problems posed by the design of a man-machine dialogue system and offers ideas on how to continue along the path towards efficient, realistic and fluid communication between humans and machines. A culmination of ten years of research, it is based on the author's development, investigation and experimentation covering a multitude of fields, including artificial intelligence, automated language processing, man-machine interfaces and notably multimodal or multimedia interfaces.

Author Notes

Frédéric Landdragin is a computer science engineer and has a PhD from the University of Lorraine, France. He is currently in charge of linguistics research for the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). His studies focus on the analysis and modeling of language interpretation. Man-machine dialogue is one of the applications of this research.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Introductionp. xv
Part 1 Historical and Methodological Landmarksp. 1
Chapter 1 An Assessment of the Evolution of Research and Systemsp. 3
1.1 A few essential historical landmarksp. 5
1.1.1 First motivations, first written systemsp. 6
1.1.2 First oral and multimodal systemsp. 11
1.1.3 Current systems: multiplicity of fields and techniquesp. 14
1.2 A list of possible abilities for a current systemp. 16
1.2.1 Recording devices and their usep. 17
1.2.2 Analysis and reasoning abilitiesp. 20
1.2.3 System reaction types and their manifestationp. 22
1.3 The current challengesp. 23
1.3.1 Adapting and integrating existing theoriesp. 23
1.3.2 Diversifying systems' abilitiesp. 25
1.3.3 Rationalizing the designp. 26
1.3.4 Facilitating the implementationp. 27
1.4 Conclusionp. 27
Chapter 2 Man-Machine Dialogue Fieldsp. 29
2.1 Cognitive aspectsp. 30
2.1.1 Perception, attention and memoryp. 32
2.1.2 Representation and reasoningp. 35
2.1.3 Learningp. 37
2.2 Linguistic aspectsp. 40
2.2.1 Levels of language analysisp. 41
2.2.2 Automatic processingp. 44
2.3 Computer aspectsp. 45
2.3.1 Data structures and digital resourcesp. 45
2.3.2 Man-machine interfaces, plastic interfaces and ergonomicsp. 46
2.4 Conclusionp. 46
Chapter 3 The Development Stages of a Dialogue Systemp. 47
3.1 Comparing a few development progressesp. 48
3.1.1 A scenario matching the 1980sp. 48
3.1.2 A scenario matching the 2000sp. 49
3.1.3 A scenario todayp. 51
3.2 Description of the main stages of developmentp. 52
3.2.1 Specifying the system's task and rolesp. 52
3.2.2 Specifying covered phenomenap. 54
3.2.3 Carrying out experiments and corpus studiesp. 55
3.2.4 Specifying the processing processesp. 58
3.2.5 Resource writing and developmentp. 59
3.2.6 Assessment and scalabilityp. 61
3.3 Conclusionp. 62
Chapter 4 Reusable System Architecturesp. 63
4.1 Run-time architecturesp. 64
4.1.1 A list of modules and resourcesp. 64
4.1.2 The process flowp. 66
4.1.3 Module interaction languagep. 68
4.2 Design-time architecturesp. 69
4.2.1 Toolkitsp. 70
4.2.2 Middleware for man-machine interactionp. 71
4.2.3 Challengesp. 72
4.3 Conclusionp. 73
Part 2 Inputs Processingp. 75
Chapter 5 Semantic Analyses and Representationsp. 77
5.1 Language in dialogue and in man-machine dialoguep. 78
5.1.1 The main characteristics of natural languagep. 78
5.1.2 Oral and written languagesp. 82
5.1.3 Language and spontaneous dialoguep. 83
5.1.4 Language and conversational gesturesp. 84
5.2 Computational processes: from the signal to the meaningp. 85
5.2.1 Syntactic analysesp. 86
5.2.2 Semantic and conceptual resourcesp. 87
5.2.3 Semantic analysesp. 89
5.3 Enriching meaning representationp. 91
5.3.1 At the level of linguistic utterancep. 91
5.3.2 At the level of multimodal utterancep. 93
5.4 Conclusionp. 94
Chapter 6 Reference Resolutionp. 95
6.1 Object reference resolutionp. 96
6.1.1 Multimodal reference domainsp. 98
6.1.2 Visual scene analysisp. 100
6.1.3 Pointing gesture analysisp. 101
6.1.4 Reference resolution depending on determinationp. 102
6.2 Action reference resolutionp. 105
6.2.1 Action reference and verbal semanticsp. 105
6.2.2 Analyzing the utterance "put that there"p. 108
6.3 Anaphora and coreference processingp. 109
6.4 Conclusionp. 112
Chapter 7 Dialogue Acts Recognitionp. 113
7.1 Nature of dialogue actsp. 114
7.1.1 Definitions and phenomenap. 114
7.1.2 The issue with indirect actsp. 116
7.1.3 The issue with composite actsp. 118
7.2 Identification and processing of dialogue actsp. 119
7.2.1 Act identification and classificationp. 119
7.2.2 Indirect and composite actsp. 121
7.3 Multimodal dialogue act processingp. 122
7.4 Conclusionp. 124
Part 3 System Behavior and Evaluationp. 125
Chapter 8 A Few Dialogue Strategiesp. 127
8.1 Natural and cooperative aspects of dialogue managementp. 128
8.1.1 Common goal and cooperationp. 128
8.1.2 Speaking turns and interactive aspectsp. 130
8.1.3 Interpretation and inferencesp. 132
8.1.4 Dialogue, argumentation and coherencep. 133
8.1.5 Choosing an answerp. 135
8.2 Technical aspects of dialogue managementp. 136
8.2.1 Dialogue management and controlp. 136
8.2.2 Dialogue history modelingp. 138
8.2.3 Dialogue management and multimodality managementp. 143
8.2.4 Can a dialogue system he?p. 145
8.3 Conclusionp. 147
Chapter 9 Multimodal Output Managementp. 149
9.1 Output management methodologyp. 151
9.1.1 General principles of output multimodalityp. 151
9.1.2 Human factors for multimedia presentationp. 153
9.2 Multimedia presentation pragmaticsp. 156
9.2.1 Elocutionary forces and valuesp. 156
9.2.2 Perlocutionary forces and valuesp. 157
9.3 Processesp. 159
9.3.1 Allocation of the information over communication channelsp. 159
9.3.2 Redundancy management and multimodal fissionp. 161
9.3.3 Generation of referring expressionsp. 162
9.3.4 Valorizing part of the information and text to speech synthesisp. 163
9.4 Conclusionp. 165
Chapter 10 Multimodal Dialogue System Assessmentp. 167
10.1 Dialogue system assessment feasibilityp. 168
10.1.1 A few assessment experimentsp. 170
10.1.2 Man-machine interface methodologiesp. 172
10.1.3 Oral dialogue methodologiesp. 174
10.1.4 Multimodal dialogue methodologiesp. 175
10.2 Multimodal system assessment challengesp. 176
10.2.1 Global assessment or segmented assessment?p. 176
10.2.2 Should a multimodal corpus be managed?p. 178
10.2.3 Can we compare several multimodal systems?p. 179
10.3 Methodological elementsp. 180
10.3.1 User expertise and system complexityp. 181
10.3.2 Questionnaires for usersp. 183
10.3.3 Extending DQR and DCR to multimodal dialoguep. 185
10.3.4 Towards other assessment methodsp. 189
10.4 Conclusionp. 190
Conclusionp. 191
Bibliographyp. 193
Indexp. 203