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Concise complex analysis
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Singapore, SG : World Scientific Publishing, 2007
Physical Description:
xix, 237 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
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Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010205878 QA331.7 G64 2007 Open Access Book Book

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"This is a concise textbook of complex analysis for undergraduate and graduate students. Written from the viewpoint of modern mathematics - the d-equation, differential geometry, Lie group, etc. it contains all the traditional material on complex analysis. However, many statement and proofs of classical theorems in complex analysis have been made simpler, shorter and more elegant due to modern mathematical ideas and methods. For example, the Mittag-Leffer theorem is proved by the d-equation, the Picard theorem is proved using the methods of differential geometry, and so on."--BOOK JACKET.

Reviews 1

Choice Review

Gong (Univ. of Science and Technology of China) offers a concise, well-written introduction for readers studying classical complex analysis using modern mathematical notation and techniques. The use of modern techniques allow for shorter, more elegant statements and proofs of many of the more important theorems of the subject. Gong, in chapter 1, explains the basics of the calculus of complex numbers, then treats Cauchy's theorem and integral formula along with Liouville's theorem, the Schwarz lemma, and integral representations in chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses Laurent series, the Mittag-Leffler theorem, residue calculus, and analytic continuation. The main topic of chapter 4 is the Riemann mapping theorem, while chapter 5 explores differential geometry, concluding with Picard's big theorem. Gong concludes with a brief introduction to several complex variables in chapter 6. The book contains more than 130 exercises and appendixes on partitions of unity, Riemann surfaces, and curvature. Unfortunately, there are only a very few illustrations. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals. D. P. Turner Faulkner University

Table of Contents

Preface to the Revised Editionp. vii
Preface to the First Editionp. ix
Forewordp. xi
1 Calculusp. 1
1.1 A Brief Review of Calculusp. 1
1.2 The Field of Complex Numbers, The Extended Complex Plane and Its Spherical Representationp. 8
1.3 Derivatives of Complex Functionsp. 11
1.4 Complex Integrationp. 17
1.5 Elementary Functionsp. 19
1.6 Complex Seriesp. 26
Exercise Ip. 29
2 Cauchy Integral Theorem and Cauchy Integral Formulap. 39
2.1 Cauchy-Green Formula (Pompeiu Formula)p. 39
2.2 Cauchy-Goursat Theoremp. 44
2.3 Taylor Series and Liouville Theoremp. 52
2.4 Some Results about the Zeros of Holomorphic Functionsp. 59
2.5 Maximum Modulus Principle, Schwarz Lemma and Group of Holomorphic Automorphismsp. 64
2.6 Integral Representation of Holomorphic Functionsp. 69
Exercise IIp. 75
Appendix I Partition of Unityp. 82
3 Theory of Series of Weierstrassp. 85
3.1 Laurent Seriesp. 85
3.2 Isolated Singularityp. 90
3.3 Entire Functions and Meromorphic Functionsp. 93
3.4 Weierstrass Factorization Theorem, Mittag-Leffler Theorem and Interpolation Theoremp. 97
3.5 Residue Theoremp. 106
3.6 Analytic Continuationp. 113
Exercise IIIp. 117
4 Riemann Mapping Theoremp. 123
4.1 Conformal Mappingp. 123
4.2 Normal Familyp. 128
4.3 Riemann Mapping Theoremp. 131
4.4 Symmetry Principlep. 134
4.5 Some Examples of Riemann Surfacep. 136
4.6 Schwarz-Christoffel Formulap. 138
Exercise IVp. 141
Appendix II Riemann Surfacep. 143
5 Differential Geometry and Picard Theoremp. 145
5.1 Metric and Curvaturep. 145
5.2 Ahlfors-Schwarz Lemmap. 151
5.3 The Generalization of Liouville Theorem and Value Distributionp. 153
5.4 The Little Picard Theoremp. 154
5.5 The Generalization of Normal Familyp. 156
5.6 The Great Picard Theoremp. 159
Exercise Vp. 162
Appendix III Curvaturep. 163
6 A First Taste of Function Theory of Several Complex Variablesp. 169
6.1 Introductionp. 169
6.2 Cartan Theoremp. 172
6.3 Groups of Holomorphic Automorphisms of The Unit Ball and The Bidiscp. 174
6.4 Poincare Theoremp. 179
6.5 Hartogs Theoremp. 181
7 Elliptic Functionsp. 185
7.1 The Concept of Elliptic Functionsp. 185
7.2 The Weierstrass Theoryp. 191
7.3 The Jacobi Elliptic Functionsp. 197
7.4 The Modular Functionp. 200
8 The Riemann [zeta]-Function and The Prime Number Theoremp. 207
8.1 The Gamma Functionp. 207
8.2 The Riemann [zeta]-functionp. 211
8.3 The Prime Number Theoremp. 218
8.4 The Proof of The Prime Number Theoremp. 222
Bibliographyp. 231
Indexp. 235