Cover image for Power world simulator version 8.0
Power world simulator version 8.0
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Pacific Grove, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002
Physical Description:
1 CD-ROM ; 12cm
General Note:
Accompanies text with entitle :(TK1005 G56 2002)


Item Barcode
Call Number
Material Type
Item Category 1
30000004820738 CP 1960 Computer File Accompanies Open Access Book Compact Disc Accompanies Open Access Book
30000010022958 CP 1960 Computer File Accompanies Open Access Book Compact Disc Accompanies Open Access Book
30000010022957 CP 1960 Computer File Accompanies Open Access Book Compact Disc Accompanies Open Access Book
30000010076154 CP 1960 Computer File Accompanies Open Access Book Compact Disc Accompanies Open Access Book

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The new edition of Glover and Sarma's highly-respected text provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts of power systems along with tools to aid them in applying these skills to real world situations. Like earlier editions of the book, physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to math-ematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. Beginning in Ch. 3, students are introduced to new concepts critical to analyzing power systems, including coverage of both balanced and unbalanced operating conditions. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field. Each book now contains a CD with Power World software. This package is commonly used in industry and will enable students to analyze and simulate power systems. The authors use the software to extend, rather than replace, the fully worked examples provided in previous editions. In the new edition, each Power World Simulator example includes a fully worked hand solution of the problem along with a Power World Simulator case (except when the problem size makes it impractical). The new edition also contains updated case studies on recent trends in the Power Systems field, including coverage of deregulation, increased power demand, economics, and alternative sources of energy. These case studies are derived from real life situations.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. ix
List of Symbols, Units, and Notationp. xiii
Chapter 1 Introductionp. 1
Case Study: Restructuring and Reregulation of the U.S. Electric Utility Industryp. 2
1.1 History of Electric Power Systemsp. 5
1.2 Present and Future Trendsp. 12
1.3 Electric Utility Industry Structurep. 15
1.4 Computers in Power System Engineeringp. 16
1.5 PowerWorld Simulatorp. 17
Chapter 2 Fundamentalsp. 25
Case Study: Restructuring the Thin-Stretched Gridp. 26
2.1 Phasorsp. 34
2.2 Instantaneous Power in Single-Phase ac Circuitsp. 36
2.3 Complex Powerp. 41
2.4 Network Equationsp. 46
2.5 Balanced Three-Phase Circuitsp. 49
2.6 Power in Balanced Three-Phase Circuitsp. 57
2.7 Advantages of Balanced Three-Phase versus Single-Phase Systemsp. 61
Chapter 3 Power Transformersp. 71
Case Study: How Electric Utilities Buy Quality When They Buy Transformersp. 72
3.1 The Ideal Transformerp. 76
3.2 Equivalent Circuits for Practical Transformersp. 82
3.3 The Per-Unit Systemp. 88
3.4 Three-Phase Transformer Connections and Phase Shiftp. 96
3.5 Per-Unit Equivalent Circuits of Balanced Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformersp. 101
3.6 Three-Winding Transformersp. 106
3.7 Autotransformersp. 109
3.8 Transformers with Off-Nominal Turns Ratiosp. 111
Chapter 4 Transmission-Line Parametersp. 130
Case Study: Special Report--Transmission Structuresp. 131
4.1 Transmission Line Design Considerationsp. 145
4.2 Resistancep. 151
4.3 Conductancep. 154
4.4 Inductance: Solid Cylindrical Conductorp. 154
4.5 Inductance: Single-Phase Two-Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacingp. 159
4.6 Inductance: Composite Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductorsp. 162
4.7 Series Impedances: Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductors and Earth Returnp. 170
4.8 Electric Field and Voltage: Solid Cylindrical Conductorp. 175
4.9 Capacitance: Single-Phase Two-Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacingp. 178
4.10 Capacitance: Stranded Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductorsp. 180
4.11 Shunt Admittances: Lines with Neutral Conductors and Earth Returnp. 184
4.12 Electric Field Strength at Conductor Surfaces and at Ground Levelp. 189
4.13 Parallel Circuit Three-Phase Linesp. 192
Chapter 5 Transmission Lines: Steady-State Operationp. 199
Case Study: FACTS Technology Development: An Updatep. 200
5.1 Medium and Short Line Approximationsp. 208
5.2 Transmission-Line Differential Equationsp. 215
5.3 Equivalent [pi] Circuitp. 221
5.4 Lossless Linesp. 223
5.5 Maximum Power Flowp. 232
5.6 Line Loadabilityp. 234
5.7 Reactive Compensation Techniquesp. 239
Chapter 6 Power Flowsp. 250
Case Study: Visualizing the Electric Gridp. 251
6.1 Direct Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Eliminationp. 261
6.2 Iterative Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Jacobi and Gauss-Seidelp. 265
6.3 Iterative Solutions to Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: Newton-Raphsonp. 271
6.4 The Power-Flow Problemp. 275
6.5 Power-Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidelp. 281
6.6 Power-Flow Solution by Newton-Raphsonp. 284
6.7 Control of Power Flowp. 292
6.8 Sparsity Techniquesp. 296
6.9 Fast Decoupled Power Flowp. 299
Design Projects 1-5p. 307
Chapter 7 Symmetrical Faultsp. 319
Case Study: The Problem of Arcing Faults in Low-Voltage Power Distribution Systemsp. 320
7.1 Series R-L Circuit Transientsp. 322
7.2 Three-Phase Short Circuit--Unloaded Synchronous Machinep. 325
7.3 Power System Three-Phase Short Circuitsp. 328
7.4 Bus Impedance Matrixp. 332
7.5 Circuit Breaker and Fuse Selectionp. 340
Design Project 4 (continued)p. 354
Chapter 8 Symmetrical Componentsp. 356
8.1 Definition of Symmetrical Componentsp. 357
8.2 Sequence Networks of Impedance Loadsp. 362
8.3 Sequence Networks of Series Impedancesp. 370
8.4 Sequence Networks of Three-Phase Linesp. 372
8.5 Sequence Networks of Rotating Machinesp. 374
8.6 Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformersp. 380
8.7 Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformersp. 385
8.8 Power in Sequence Networksp. 388
Chapter 9 Unsymmetrical Faultsp. 396
Case Study: Fires at U.S. Utilitiesp. 397
9.1 System Representationp. 398
9.2 Single Line-to-Ground Faultp. 403
9.3 Line-to-Line Faultp. 408
9.4 Double Line-to-Ground Faultp. 410
9.5 Sequence Bus Impedance Matricesp. 417
Design Project 4 (continued)p. 435
Design Project 6p. 436
Chapter 10 System Protectionp. 438
Case Study: Digital Relay Reports Verify Power System Modelsp. 439
10.1 System Protection Componentsp. 449
10.2 Instrument Transformersp. 450
10.3 Overcurrent Relaysp. 457
10.4 Radial System Protectionp. 461
10.5 Reclosers and Fusesp. 466
10.6 Directional Relaysp. 469
10.7 Protection of Two-Source System with Directional Relaysp. 471
10.8 Zones of Protectionp. 472
10.9 Line Protection with Impedance (Distance) Relaysp. 475
10.10 Differential Relaysp. 482
10.11 Bus Protection with Differential Relaysp. 484
10.12 Transformer Protection with Differential Relaysp. 485
10.13 Pilot Relayingp. 490
10.14 Digital Relayingp. 491
Chapter 11 Power System Controlsp. 504
Case Study: Meet the Emerging Transmission Market Segmentsp. 507
11.1 Generator-Voltage Controlp. 516
11.2 Turbine-Governor Controlp. 517
11.3 Load-Frequency Controlp. 521
11.4 Economic Dispatchp. 525
11.5 Optimal Power Flowp. 538
Chapter 12 Transmission Lines: Transient Operationp. 547
Case Study: Protecting Computer Systems Against Power Transientsp. 548
Case Study: VariSTAR Type AZE Surge Arrestersp. 555
12.1 Traveling Waves on Single-Phase Lossless Linesp. 558
12.2 Boundary Conditions for Single-Phase Lossless Linesp. 561
12.3 Bewley Lattice Diagramp. 570
12.4 Discrete-Time Models of Single-Phase Lossless Lines and Lumped RLC Elementsp. 575
12.5 Lossy Linesp. 582
12.6 Multiconductor Linesp. 586
12.7 Power System Overvoltagesp. 589
12.8 Insulation Coordinationp. 596
Chapter 13 Transient Stabilityp. 608
Case Study: The Great Blackoutp. 610
13.1 The Swing Equationp. 613
13.2 Simplified Synchronous Machine Model and System Equivalentsp. 619
13.3 The Equal-Area Criterionp. 621
13.4 Numerical Integration of the Swing Equationp. 628
13.5 Multimachine Stabilityp. 633
13.6 Design Methods for Improving Transient Stabilityp. 638
Appendixp. 644
Indexp. 648