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Cover image for Content area reading and literacy :  succeeding in today's diverse classrooms
Content area reading and literacy : succeeding in today's diverse classrooms
Personal Author:
5th. ed.
Publication Information:
USA : Pearson, 2007


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Item Category 1
30000010088978 LB1050.455 A47 2007 Open Access Book Book

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Now in its fifth edition, this well-respected best-seller equips preservice and inservice teachers to teach content area literacy. Lauded for its scope of topics and examples and its accessibility, Content Area Reading and Literacy addresses the needs of students from diverse language and cultural backgrounds. Trusted authorities in adolescent literacy Alvermann, Phelps, and Ridgeway provide classroom- and research-based teaching and learning strategies in all core areas, from English to math to social sciences, and highlight current trends in technology and multimedia.   New features to this edition include updated information on high-stakes assessments; state and federal initiatives affecting adolescent literacy, such as No Child Left Behind and the Striving Readers Initiative; and a look at reciprocal teaching. A new chapter on literacy coaches introduces readers to the need for specialists in the current era of high accountability, and Chapter 6 has a newly expanded section on problem-solving activities as a way of building background knowledge.   The text includes a variety of icons to help identify certain features, such as examples of writing, evidence-based research, and standards from different subject areas to help pre-service teachers connect content area literacy to meeting the standards in their disciplines. It emphasizes cognitive and sociocultural factors in relation to diagnostic assessments and instructional approaches, and it offers lesson and unit planning examples.   The Fifth Edition Builds on Past Strengths and Adds New Ones… Student Centered. Culturally Diverse Students. Evidence-Based Standards. Written by renowned authors Donna Alvermann, Steven Phelps, and Victoria Ridgeway, Content Reading and Literacy: Succeeding in Today's Diverse Classrooms includes superior coverage of addressing the literacy needs of English language learners and culturally diverse students and a timely focus on evidence-based practices and standards. What Continues to Make This Book a Best Seller…   ·  Includes an important new chapter (Ch. 13) on literacy coaches, which introduces readers to the need for such specialists in the current era of high accountability. Emphasizes the reciprocal responsibilities of literacy coaches and regular content area teachers, and how best to make use of both kinds of teachers to increase adequate yearly progress (AYP). ·  Adds a new feature called "Dispelling Myths and Policy Implications" enhances teachers' knowledge base and helps make them more critical consumers of ideas and materials. ·  Contains updated information on high-stakes assessments, explanation of reciprocal teaching, state and federal initiatives affecting adolescent literacy (including the Striving Readers Initiative, NCLB, and so on), new note-making strategies, writing-to-learn approaches, and descriptions of mode

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xiii
1 Content Literacy and the Reading Processp. 1
Assumptions Underlying Content Teachingp. 4
Subject Matterp. 4
Role of the Textbookp. 5
Active and Independent Readersp. 6
Fluent Readersp. 9
Fluency with Information Technologyp. 10
What It Means to Be Literatep. 11
Literate Thinkingp. 12
Content Literacyp. 13
The New Literacy Studiesp. 14
The Reading Processp. 17
A Cognitive Viewp. 17
A Social Constructionist Perspectivep. 25
The Role of Motivationp. 28
Summaryp. 33
Suggested Readingsp. 33
2 Language, Diversity, and Culturep. 34
Language as a Vehicle for Teaching and Learning Contentp. 37
Seeing Language as Social Practicep. 37
Dealing with Gendered Language in the Classroom and the Textp. 38
Diversity in Language and Learningp. 41
Second-Language Acquisition and Learningp. 42
Dialect Differencesp. 47
Struggling or Reluctant Readersp. 49
Gifted Learnersp. 51
Teaching and Learning in Culturally Diverse Classroomsp. 53
Today's Youth Culturep. 53
CREDE's Standards for Effective Pedagogy and Learningp. 54
Integrating Language, Culture, and Contentp. 55
Culturally Responsive Professional Growthp. 56
Appreciating Diversityp. 56
Involving Parents and Communityp. 58
Linking School and Homep. 59
Summaryp. 60
Suggested Readingsp. 61
3 Creating a Favorable Learning Environmentp. 62
Affective Characteristicsp. 65
Linking Content Literacy with Student's Livesp. 65
Adaptive Instructionp. 68
Providing Choicesp. 70
Froms of Groupingp. 70
Ability Groupingp. 71
Cooperative Learningp. 72
Cross-Age Tutoringp. 75
Discussion Groupsp. 76
Reading and Writing Workshopsp. 78
Creating Community with Technology and Multimediap. 79
Technologyp. 79
Multimediap. 81
Assistive Technologyp. 82
Conflict Resolutionp. 83
What the Research Saysp. 83
Strategies for Managing Conflictp. 84
Summaryp. 86
Suggested Readingsp. 86
4 Planning for Content Literacyp. 87
Instructional Decision Makingp. 90
Content Objectivesp. 91
Language and Literacy Objectivesp. 93
Learning Materialsp. 94
Student Capabilities and Needsp. 94
Evaluation and Assessmentp. 97
Planning and Educational Technologyp. 98
Teaching Resources on the Webp. 99
Planning Student Involvement with the Internetp. 101
Structured Frameworks for Content Literacy Lessonsp. 103
Direct Instructionp. 103
The Instructional Frameworkp. 104
Reciprocal Teachingp. 105
Beyond the Daily Planp. 109
School-Wide Programsp. 109
Interdisciplinary Teachingp. 111
Thematic Teachingp. 113
Unit Planningp. 113
Summaryp. 121
Suggested Readingsp. 121
5 Assessment of Students and Textbooksp. 122
Assessing Studentsp. 125
Tests and Testing: A Consumer Advisoryp. 125
Types of Assessmentp. 129
Learning about Studentsp. 137
Grades and Gradingp. 143
Portfolio Assessmentp. 151
Assessing Textbooksp. 157
Readability Formulasp. 158
Consumer Judgmentsp. 160
Summaryp. 161
Suggested Readingsp. 162
6 Preparing to Readp. 163
The Role of Prior Knowledgep. 166
Barriers to New Learningp. 166
The Teacher's Taskp. 168
Assessing and Building Prior Knowledgep. 168
The List-Group-Label Strategyp. 169
Graphic Organizersp. 169
Reading and Listeningp. 169
Writingp. 171
Activating Prior Knowledge with Prereading Strategiesp. 173
Anticipation Guidesp. 174
Problem-Solving Activitiesp. 182
Problem-Based Learningp. 182
Designing WebQuestsp. 183
K-W-Lp. 184
Summaryp. 187
Suggested Readingsp. 187
7 Reading to Learnp. 188
Constructing Meaning with Textp. 191
Helping Students Comprehendp. 192
Teaching Students to be Strategicp. 193
Making Text Comprehensiblep. 195
The Role of Fluency in Comprehensionp. 195
Questions and Questioningp. 197
When to Askp. 199
What to Askp. 199
How to Askp. 206
Comprehension Guidesp. 211
Three-Level Guidesp. 211
Selective Reading Guidesp. 213
Interactive Reading Guidesp. 215
Sensing and Responding to Text Structurep. 215
Common Text Structuresp. 215
Teaching about Text Structuresp. 218
Summaryp. 226
Suggested Readingsp. 226
8 Increasing Vocabulary and Conceptual Growthp. 227
Learning Words and Conceptsp. 229
How Students Learn Vocabularyp. 230
Word-Learning Tasksp. 231
Levels of Word Knowledgep. 232
Readers' Resources for Learning New Wordsp. 233
Teaching Vocabularyp. 235
Criteria for Selecting Vocabularyp. 237
Guidelines for Vocabulary Instructionp. 238
Strategies for Introducing and Teaching Vocabularyp. 239
Developing Students' Independencep. 245
Using Context Cluesp. 245
Using Familiar Word Partsp. 248
Using Dictionariesp. 249
Vocabulary Self-Collectionp. 251
Intensive Approaches for Struggling Readers and English Language Learnersp. 252
Reinforcing Vocabularyp. 256
Matching Activities, Puzzles, and Gamesp. 257
Categorizing Activitiesp. 257
Analogiesp. 259
Concept Circlesp. 260
Summaryp. 264
Suggested Readingsp. 264
9 Reflecting on Readingp. 265
Engaging Students through Discussionp. 268
Small-Group Discussionsp. 268
Peer-Led Literature Circlesp. 271
Guiding Student Reflectionp. 272
Reaction Guidesp. 273
Reading for Different Purposesp. 274
Discussion Websp. 276
Intra-Act Procedurep. 279
Promoting Critical Literacyp. 281
Teaching Literacy for Critical Awarenessp. 282
Incorporating Critical Media Literacy into the Curriculump. 283
Summaryp. 289
Suggested Readingsp. 289
10 Writing across the Curriculump. 290
What Content Teachers Need to Know about Writingp. 292
Writing and Readingp. 293
The Writing Processp. 295
Social Construction of Writingp. 297
Writing and the Computerp. 300
Writing Activities for Content Areasp. 301
Writing Assignmentsp. 302
Learning Logs and Journalsp. 306
Other Informal Writing Activitiesp. 310
Reviewing and Summarizingp. 312
Guiding Student Writingp. 316
Writing to Inquirep. 322
Preparing for Student Inquiryp. 324
Collecting and Organizing Informationp. 325
Writing a Reportp. 328
Alternatives to the Traditional Research Reportp. 329
Responding to Student Writingp. 332
Peer Responsesp. 332
Teacher Conferencesp. 334
Formal Evaluationp. 335
Summaryp. 336
Suggested Readingsp. 336
11 Studying and Study Strategiesp. 337
Prerequisites for Effective Studyingp. 339
Motivationp. 340
Teachers' Expectationsp. 340
Knowledge of the Criterion Taskp. 340
Domain Knowledgep. 341
Accessing Informationp. 342
Information Literacy and Library Skillsp. 342
Web Site Evaluationp. 344
Preparing for Testsp. 345
Objective Testsp. 345
Subjective Testsp. 347
Role of Homeworkp. 348
Using Study Strategiesp. 350
Task Awareness with SQ3Rp. 351
Strategy Awarenessp. 351
Performance Awarenessp. 352
Note-Taking Strategiesp. 354
Compare/Contrast Study Matrixp. 356
Internet Search Strategiesp. 359
Summaryp. 361
Suggested Readingsp. 361
12 Developing Lifetime Readers: Literature in Content Area Classesp. 362
Benefits of Using Literature in Content Areasp. 366
Encouraging Responses to Literaturep. 368
Integrating Literature into Content Areasp. 370
Uses of Literature in Content Areasp. 370
Fiction and Nonfiction for Content Areasp. 376
Developing Awareness of Diversity through Literaturep. 381
Summaryp. 387
Suggested Readingsp. 387
13 Literacy Coaches: A Sign of the Timesp. 389
Qualifications and Expectationsp. 391
Refining the Processp. 392
Contextualizing the Literacy Coach's Experiencep. 393
Forging Partnerships with Teachersp. 395
What Literacy Coaches Need to Know about Scientifically Based Reading Researchp. 397
An Incomplete Knowledge Basep. 398
So What's a Literacy Coach to Do?p. 399
Examples of Effective Literacy Coaching across the United Statesp. 403
Alabama Reading Initiativep. 403
Boston Public Schoolsp. 404
Reading Success Networkp. 405
Summaryp. 406
Suggested Readingsp. 406
Appendix A Word Lover's Booklistp. 407
Appendix B Read-Aloud Books for Content Areasp. 409
Appendix C Trade Books for Science, Math, and Social Studiesp. 412
Appendix D Culturally Conscious Trade Booksp. 417
Appendix E Standards for the Content Areasp. 422
Referencesp. 424
Author Indexp. 454
Subject Indexp. 459
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