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Cover image for Speaking clearly : improving voice and diction
Speaking clearly : improving voice and diction
Personal Author:
6th ed.
Publication Information:
New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, 2002
Physical Description:
1v + 4 CD-ROM (CP 2743)


Item Barcode
Call Number
Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010039645 PN4121 H33 2002 Open Access Book Book

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Speaking Clearly provides practical, proven, and class tested methods for the Voice and Diction course. With over 35 years of experience, this team of authors successfully guides students through the obstacles of speech improvement.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Part 1 Introduction to Speech Communicationp. 1
Chapter 1 Introductionp. 3
Objectivesp. 3
The Communication Processp. 5
Noisep. 6
Environmental Noisep. 7
Listener-Generated Noisep. 7
Speaker-Generated Noisep. 8
How to Use This Bookp. 8
Chaptersp. 8
Appendixesp. 10
Feedbackp. 11
Glossaryp. 12
Chapter 2 The Speech Processp. 13
Objectivesp. 13
Overviewp. 13
The Nature of Soundp. 14
What Sound Isp. 14
Characteristics of Soundp. 14
Frequency and Pitchp. 14
Intensity and Loudnessp. 15
Spectrum and Qualityp. 16
The Speech Processp. 16
Auditionp. 17
Innervationp. 18
Breathingp. 20
The Mechanismp. 20
Breathing for Speechp. 23
Phonationp. 24
Sound Productionp. 25
Pitchp. 27
Responancep. 27
Resonance in the Vocal Tractp. 28
Articulationp. 29
Summaryp. 33
Suggested Readingsp. 34
Glossaryp. 34
Chapter 3 The Sounds of American Englishp. 38
Objectivesp. 38
Speech Comes Firstp. 38
Sounds, Not Lettersp. 39
Speech and Writing Confusionp. 39
The Problem with Lettersp. 40
English Spelling and English Speechp. 40
IPAp. 41
IPA Transcriptionp. 42
The Phonemep. 44
The Allophonep. 45
Phonetics and Phonemicsp. 45
Dialects and Standard Speechp. 45
Dialectsp. 45
Regional Dialectsp. 46
Standard Speechp. 46
Nonstandard Speechp. 46
Foreign Accentsp. 47
Classification of Soundsp. 47
Consonantsp. 47
Classification of Consonantsp. 48
Voicingp. 48
Place of Articulationp. 48
Method of Articulationp. 49
Vowelsp. 50
Classification of Vowelsp. 50
Height of the Tonguep. 50
Place of Productionp. 51
Muscle Tensionp. 51
Diphthongsp. 51
Phonetic Transcriptionp. 52
Regional Dialectsp. 53
Southern Regional Dialectp. 54
New England Regional Dialectp. 54
New York Regional Dialectp. 54
Eastern Regional Dialectp. 55
Glossaryp. 55
Part 2 Dictionp. 61
Chapter 4 Improving Voice and Diction: The Basicsp. 63
Objectivesp. 63
How to Do Itp. 64
Ear Trainingp. 65
Recognitionp. 66
Discriminationp. 66
Warm-upsp. 67
Sensitizing Exercisep. 67
Glossaryp. 68
Chapter 5 Diction: The Consonantsp. 69
Objectivesp. 69
[p] as in pat [b] as in boatp. 70
[t] as in top [d] as in dogp. 82
[k] as in key [g] as in gop. 100
[f] as in four [v] as in veryp. 114
[[theta]] as in thin [[characters not reproducible]] as in thep. 126
[s] as in snake [z] as in zoop. 141
[[characters not reproducible]] as in she [[characters not reproducible]] as in beigep. 160
[h] as in hotp. 168
[[characters not reproducible]] as in where [w] as in wetp. 171
[r] as in redp. 176
[j] as in yesp. 187
[l] as in leftp. 190
[m] as in manp. 198
[n] as in nop. 200
[[eta]] as in singp. 202
[t[characters not reproducible]] as in chair [d[characters not reproducible]] as in judgep. 209
Chapter 6 Diction: The Vowels and Diphthongsp. 218
Front Vowels
[i] as in seep. 220
[I] as in sitp. 223
[e] as in atep. 229
[[epsiv]] as in betp. 232
[ae] as in patp. 237
Back Vowels
[u] as in toop. 243
[U] as in bookp. 245
[o] as in ropep. 248
[[characters not reproducible]] as in awfulp. 251
[a] as in calmp. 257
Mid Vowels
[[characters not reproducible]] as in upp. 260
[[characters not reproducible]] as in bananap. 263
[[characters not reproducible]] as in earlyp. 265
[[characters not reproducible]] as in fatherp. 268
[aI] as in icep. 271
[aU] as in howp. 276
[[characters not reproducible]I] as in coinp. 279
[eI] as in raidp. 229
[oU] as in robep. 248
Minor Diphthongs
[I[characters not reproducible]] as in gearp. 224
[[characters not reproducible]] asin pairp. 233
[[characters not reproducible]] as in carp. 258
[U[characters not reproducible]] as in poorp. 246
[[characters not reproducible]] as in porep. 252
Part 3 Voicep. 283
Chapter 7 Voice Productionp. 285
Objectivesp. 285
Guide to Voice Production Exercisesp. 286
Breathingp. 286
Breathing for Speechp. 286
Breath Controlp. 287
Exercise 1 Abdominal Breathingp. 287
Exercise 2 Breath-Control Durationp. 290
Exercise 3 Breath-Control Breathinessp. 291
Loudnessp. 292
Controlling Loudnessp. 292
Exercise 4 Loudness-Forcep. 293
Exercise 5 Loudness-Projectionp. 294
Exercise 6 Loudness-Controlp. 295
Exercise 7 Loudness-Practicep. 296
Pitchp. 296
Determining Optimum Pitchp. 297
Determining Habitual Pitchp. 298
Changing Habitual Pitchp. 298
Exercise 8 Changing Habitual Pitchp. 299
Extending Your Pitch Rangep. 299
Relaxationp. 300
Exercise 9 Progressive Relaxationp. 300
Exercise 10 Fantasyp. 300
Exercise 11 Head Rollingp. 301
Exercise 12 Sighingp. 301
Exercise 13 Yawningp. 301
Singingp. 302
Qualityp. 302
Resonancep. 302
Nasality and Resonancep. 304
Types of Nasalityp. 304
Exercise 14 Nasality-Ear Trainingp. 304
Exercise 15 Nasality-Pullingp. 306
Exercise 16 Denasality-Pushingp. 306
Exercise 17 Denasalityp. 307
Tense, Strident, Metallic, and Hoarse Qualitiesp. 308
Excess Tensionp. 308
Vocal or Glottal Fryp. 308
Exercise 18 Vocal Fryp. 308
Throaty Qualityp. 309
Hard Glottal Attackp. 309
Exercise 19 Hard Glottal Attackp. 309
Glossaryp. 310
Chapter 8 Vocal Expressivenessp. 313
Objectivesp. 313
Reading Aloudp. 314
Why Read Aloud?p. 314
Components of Vocal Expressionp. 315
Ratep. 315
Determining Your Own Ratep. 316
Appropriate Ratep. 318
Timed Readings for Ratep. 319
Durationp. 322
Duration Practicep. 322
Exercise 1 Contrast Drill for Durationp. 322
Exercise 2 Contrast Drill for Durationp. 323
Exercise 3 Contrast Drill for Durationp. 323
Pausingp. 324
Pausing Exercisesp. 325
Stressp. 327
Word Stressp. 328
Word Stress Drillp. 328
Syllable Stressp. 329
Compound Word Stress Drillp. 330
Polysyllabic Stress Drillp. 330
Practice Readings for Stressp. 330
Intonationp. 333
Keyp. 334
Middle Key Readingsp. 335
Low Key Readingsp. 336
High Key Readingsp. 337
Inflectionp. 338
Drills for Inflectionp. 339
Drill for Rising Inflectionp. 339
Drill for Falling Inflectionp. 340
Drill for Circumflex Inflectionp. 341
Practice Sentencesp. 341
Stepsp. 342
Drill for Stepsp. 342
Readings for Intonationp. 343
Integrationp. 345
Generalp. 345
Glossaryp. 365
Appendix A Dealing with Nervousnessp. 367
Appendix B Special Speech Problemsp. 379
Appendix C Nonverbal Communicationp. 387
Appendix D Guide to Foreign Accentsp. 402
Appendix E Pronunciation Listp. 413
Appendix F Diagnostic Materials and Speech Checklistsp. 421
Permission Acknowledgmentsp. 427
Indexp. 429
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