Cover image for Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models : Analysis
Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models : Analysis
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xx, 341 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
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33000000017600 TA645 A34 2014 Open Access Book Book

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Since Lord Rayleigh introduced the idea of viscous damping in his classic work "The Theory of Sound" in 1877, it has become standard practice to use this approach in dynamics, covering a wide range of applications from aerospace to civil engineering. However, in the majority of practical cases this approach is adopted more for mathematical convenience than for modeling the physics of vibration damping.

Over the past decade, extensive research has been undertaken on more general "non-viscous" damping models and vibration of non-viscously damped systems. This book, along with a related book Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models: Identification , is the first comprehensive study to cover vibration problems with general non-viscous damping. The author draws on his considerable research experience to produce a text covering: dynamics of viscously damped systems; non-viscously damped single- and multi-degree of freedom systems; linear systems with non-local and non-viscous damping; reduced computational methods for damped systems; and finally a method for dealing with general asymmetric systems. The book is written from a vibration theory standpoint, with numerous worked examples which are relevant across a wide range of mechanical, aerospace and structural engineering applications.


1. Introduction to Damping Models and Analysis Methods.
2. Dynamics of Undamped and Viscously Damped Systems.
3. Non-Viscously Damped Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.
4. Non-viscously Damped Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.
5. Linear Systems with General Non-Viscous Damping.
6. Reduced Computational Methods for Damped Systems

Author Notes

Sondipon Adhikari is Chair Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University, Wales. His wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary research interests include uncertainty quantification in computational mechanics, bio- and nanomechanics, dynamics of complex systems, inverse problems for linear and nonlinear dynamics, and renewable energy. He is a technical reviewer of 97 international journals, 18 conferences and 13 funding bodies. He has written over 180 refereed journal papers, 120 refereed conference papers and has authored or co-authored 15 book chapters.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Nomenclaturep. xv
Chapter 1 Introduction to Damping Models and Analysis Methodsp. 1
1.1 Models of dampingp. 3
1.1.1 Single-degree-of-freedom systemsp. 4
1.1.2 Continuous systemsp. 8
1.1.3 Multiple-degrees-of-freedom systemsp. 10
1.1.4 Other studiesp. 11
1.2 Modal analysis of viscously damped systemsp. 13
1.2.1 The state-space methodp. 14
1.2.2 Methods in the configuration spacep. 15
1.3 Analysis of non-viscously damped systemsp. 21
1.3.1 State-space-based methodsp. 22
1.3.2 Time-domain-based methodsp. 23
1.3.3 Approximate methods in the configuration spacep. 23
1.4 Identification of viscous dampingp. 24
1.4.1 Single-degree-of-freedom systemsp. 24
1.4.2 Multiple-degrees-of-freedom systemsp. 25
1.5 Identification of non-viscous dampingp. 28
1.6 Parametric sensitivity of eigenvalues and eigenvectorsp. 29
1.6.1 Undamped systemsp. 29
1.6.2 Damped systemsp. 30
1.7 Motivation behind this bookp. 32
1.8 Scope of the bookp. 33
Chapter 2 Dynamics of Undamped and Viscously Damped Systemsp. 41
2.1 Single-degree-of-freedom undamped systemsp. 41
2.1.1 Natural frequencyp. 42
2.1.2 Dynamic responsep. 43
2.2 Single-degree-of-freedom viscously damped systemsp. 45
2.2.1 Natural frequencyp. 46
2.2.2 Dynamic responsep. 47
2.3 Multiple-degree-of-freedom undamped systemsp. 52
2.3.1 Modal analysisp. 53
2.3.2 Dynamic responsep. 55
2.4 Proportionally damped systemsp. 58
2.4.1 Condition for proportional dampingp. 60
2.4.2 Generalized proportional dampingp. 61
2.4.3 Dynamic responsep. 65
2.5 Non-proportionally damped systemsp. 80
2.5.1 Free vibration and complex modesp. 81
2.5.2 Dynamic responsep. 87
2.6 Rayleigh quotient for damped systemsp. 93
2.6.1 Rayleigh quotients for discrete systemsp. 94
2.6.2 Proportional dampingp. 96
2.6.3 Non-proportional dampingp. 97
2.6.4 Application of Rayleigh quotientsp. 100
2.6.5 Synopsesp. 101
2.7 Summaryp. 101
Chapter 3 Non-Viscously Damped Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systemsp. 103
3.1 The equation of motionp. 104
3.2 Conditions for oscillatory motionp. 108
3.3 Critical damping factorsp. 112
3.4 Characteristics of the eigenvaluesp. 113
3.4.1 Characteristics of the natural frequencyp. 114
3.4.2 Characteristics of the decay rate corresponding to the oscillating modep. 118
3.4.3 Characteristics of the decay rate corresponding to the non-oscillating modep. 122
3.5 The frequency response functionp. 123
3.6 Characteristics of the response amplitudep. 126
3.6.1 The frequency for the maximum response amplitudep. 128
3.6.2 The amplitude of the maximum dynamic responsep. 137
3.7 Simplified analysis of the frequency response functionp. 141
3.8 Summaryp. 144
Chapter 4 Non-viscously Damped Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systemsp. 147
4.1 Choice of the kernel functionp. 149
4.2 The exponential model for MDOF non-viscously damped systemsp. 151
4.3 The state-space formulationp. 153
4.3.1 Case A: all coefficient matrices are of full rankp. 153
4.3.2 Case B: coefficient matrices are rank deficientp. 158
4.4 The eigenvalue problemp. 162
4.4.1 Case A: all coefficient matrices are of full rankp. 162
4.4.2 Case B: coefficient matrices are rank deficientp. 165
4.5 Forced vibration responsep. 166
4.5.1 Frequency domain analysisp. 167
4.5.2 Time-domain analysisp. 168
4.6 Numerical examplesp. 169
4.6.1 Example 1: SDOF system with non-viscous dampingp. 169
4.6.2 Example 2: a rank-deficient systemp. 170
4.7 Direct time-domain approachp. 174
4.7.1 Integration in the time domainp. 174
4.7.2 Numerical realizationp. 175
4.7.3 Summary of the methodp. 179
4.7.4 Numerical examplesp. 181
4.8 Summaryp. 184
Chapter 5 Linear Systems with General Non-Viscous Dampingp. 187
5.1 Existence of classical normal modesp. 188
5.1.1 Generalization of proportional dampingp. 189
5.2 Eigenvalues and eigenvectorsp. 191
5.2.1 Elastic modesp. 193
5.2.2 Non-viscous modesp. 197
5.2.3 Approximations for lightly damped systemsp. 198
5.3 Transfer functionp. 199
5.3.1 Eigenvectors of the dynamic stiffness matrixp. 201
5.3.2 Calculation of the residuesp. 202
5.3.3 Special casesp. 204
5.4 Dynamic responsep. 205
5.4.1 Summary of the methodp. 207
5.5 Numerical examplesp. 208
5.5.1 The systemp. 208
5.5.2 Example 1: exponential dampingp. 210
5.5.3 Example 2: GHM dampingp. 213
5.6 Eigenrelations of non-viscously damped systemsp. 215
5.6.1 Nature of the eigensolutionsp. 216
5.6.2 Normalization of the eigenvectorsp. 217
5.6.3 Orthogonality of the eigenvectorsp. 219
5.6.4 Relationships between the eigensolutions and dampingp. 223
5.6.5 System matrices in terms of the eigensolutionsp. 225
5.6.6 Eigenrelations for viscously damped systemsp. 226
5.6.7 Numerical examplesp. 227
5.7 Rayleigh quotient for non-viscously damped systemsp. 230
5.8 Summaryp. 234
Chapter 6 Reduced Computational Methods for Damped Systemsp. 237
6.1 General non-proportionally damped systems with viscous dampingp. 238
6.1.1 Iterative approach for the eigensolutionsp. 239
6.1.2 Summary of the algorithmp. 244
6.1.3 Numerical examplep. 246
6.2 Single-degree-of-freedom non-viscously damped systemsp. 247
6.2.1 Nonlinear eigenvalue problem for non-viscously damped systemsp. 250
6.2.2 Complex conjugate eigenvaluesp. 251
6.2.3 Real eigenvaluesp. 253
6.2.4 Numerical examplesp. 257
6.3 Multiple-degrees-of-freedom non-viscously damped systemsp. 259
6.3.1 Complex conjugate eigenvaluesp. 260
6.3.2 Real eigenvaluesp. 262
6.3.3 Numerical examplep. 263
6.4 Reduced second-order approach for non-viscously damped systemsp. 264
6.4.1 Proportionally damped systemsp. 266
6.4.2 The general casep. 271
6.4.3 Numerical examplesp. 274
6.5 Summaryp. 277
Appendixp. 281
Bibliographyp. 299
Author indexp. 329
Indexp. 335