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Cover image for Poque unix forensic analysis
Poque unix forensic analysis
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Burlington : Syngress Pub., 2008
Physical Description:
1 CD-ROM ; 12 cm.
General Note:
Accompanies text entitled : UNIX and linux forensic analysis DVD toolkit (HV8079.C65 P63 2008)


Item Barcode
Call Number
Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010194549 CP 016267 Open Access Computer File Compact Disk (Open Shelves)

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This book addresses topics in the area of forensic analysis of systems running on variants of the UNIX operating system, which is the choice of hackers for their attack platforms. According to a 2007 IDC report, UNIX servers account for the second-largest segment of spending (behind Windows) in the worldwide server market with $4.2 billion in 2Q07, representing 31.7% of corporate server spending. UNIX systems have not been analyzed to any significant depth largely due to a lack of understanding on the part of the investigator, an understanding and knowledge base that has been achieved by the attacker.

The book begins with a chapter to describe why and how the book was written, and for whom, and then immediately begins addressing the issues of live response (volatile) data collection and analysis. The book continues by addressing issues of collecting and analyzing the contents of physical memory (i.e., RAM). The following chapters address /proc analysis, revealing the wealth of significant evidence, and analysis of files created by or on UNIX systems. Then the book addresses the underground world of UNIX hacking and reveals methods and techniques used by hackers, malware coders, and anti-forensic developers. The book then illustrates to the investigator how to analyze these files and extract the information they need to perform a comprehensive forensic analysis. The final chapter includes a detailed discussion of loadable kernel Modules and malware.

Throughout the book the author provides a wealth of unique information, providing tools, techniques and information that won't be found anywhere else.

Author Notes

Chris Pogue has spent the past five years as part of the IBM Ethical Hacking Team. He was tasked with emulating the actions of an actual malicious attacker with the intention of assisting customers to identify and eliminate probable attack vectors. Chris has worked on over 3000 exploitation attempts for both internal IBM systems as well as third party customers. Chris is also a former US Army Warrant Officer and has worked with the Army Reserve Information Operations Command (ARIOC) on Joint Task Force (JTF) missions with the National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Homeland Security, Regional Computer Emergency Response Team-Continental United States (RCERT-CONUS), and the Joint Intelligence Center-Pacific (JICPAC). Chris attended Forensics training at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and holds a Master's degree in Information Security. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). Chris also holds a Top Secret (TS) security clearance from the Department of Defense.

Cory Altheide is a Security Engineer at Google, focused on forensics and incident response. Prior to returning to Google, Cory was a principal consultant with MANDIANT, an information security consulting firm that works with the Fortune 500, the defense industrial base and the banks of the world to secure their networks and combat cyber-crime. In this role he responded to numerous incidents for a variety of clients. Cory has authored several papers for the computer forensics journal Digital Investigation and was a contributing author for UNIX and Linux Forensic Analysis (2008) & The Handbook Of Digital Forensics and Investigation (2010). Additionally, Cory is a recurring member of the program committee of the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS).

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introductionp. 1
Historyp. 2
Target Audiencep. 3
What is Coveredp. 3
What is Not Coveredp. 6
Chapter 2 Understanding Unixp. 9
Introductionp. 10
Unix, UNIX, Linux, and *nixp. 10
Linux Distributionsp. 12
Get a Linux!p. 12
Booting Ubuntu Linux from the LiveCDp. 15
The Shellp. 18
All Hail the Shellp. 20
Essential Commandsp. 20
Highlights of The Linux Security Modelp. 25
The *nix File system Structurep. 29
Mount points: What the Heck are They?p. 31
File Systemsp. 34
Ext2/Ext3p. 35
Summaryp. 37
Chapter 3 Live Response: Data Collectionp. 39
Introductionp. 40
Prepare the Target Mediap. 41
Mount the Drivep. 41
Format the Drivep. 42
Format the Disk with the ext File Systemp. 42
Gather Volatile Informationp. 43
Prepare a Case Logbookp. 43
Acquiring the Imagep. 55
Preparation and Planningp. 55
DDp. 56
Bootable *nix ISOsp. 60
Helixp. 60
Knoppixp. 61
BackTrack 2p. 62
Insertp. 63
EnCase LinEnp. 63
FTK Imagerp. 65
ProDiscoverp. 68
Summaryp. 70
Chapter 4 Initial Triage and Live Response: Data Analysisp. 71
Introductionp. 72
Initial Triagep. 72
Log Analysisp. 74
zgrepp. 76
Tailp. 76
Morep. 76
Lessp. 77
Keyword Searchesp. 77
strings /proc/kcore-t d > /tmp/kcore_outfilep. 78
File and Directory Namesp. 79
IP Addresses and Domain Namesp. 80
Tool Keywordsp. 80
Tricks of the Tradep. 82
User Activityp. 86
Shell Historyp. 86
Logged on Usersp. 87
Network Connectionsp. 89
Running Processesp. 92
Open File Handlersp. 95
Summaryp. 98
Chapter 5 The Hacking Top 10p. 99
Introductionp. 100
The Hacking Top Tenp. 104
Netcatp. 105
Reconnaissance Toolsp. 106
Nmapp. 106
Nessusp. 110
Try it Outp. 111
Configuring Nessusp. 111
Plug-insp. 113
Portsp. 114
Targetp. 114
Niktop. 116
Wiresharkp. 118
Canvas/Core Impactp. 120
The Metasploit Frameworkp. 121
Parosp. 134
hping2 - Active Network Smashing Toolp. 138
Ettercapp. 144
Summaryp. 152
Chapter 6 The /Proc File Systemp. 153
Introductionp. 154
cmdlinep. 155
cpuinfop. 155
diskstatsp. 156
driver/rtcp. 156
filesystemsp. 156
kallsyms (ksyms)p. 157
kcorep. 157
modulesp. 158
mountsp. 158
partitionsp. 159
sys/p. 159
uptimep. 159
versionp. 159
Process IDsp. 159
cmdlinep. 160
cwdp. 161
environp. 161
exep. 161
fdp. 161
loginuidp. 162
Putting It All Togetherp. 162
sysfsp. 166
modulesp. 166
blockp. 166
Chapter 7 File Analysisp. 169
The Linux Boot Processp. 170
init and runlevelsp. 171
System and Security Configuration Filesp. 173
Users, Groups, and Privilegesp. 173
Cron Jobsp. 176
Log Filesp. 176
Whop. 177
Where and Whatp. 177
Identifying Other Files of Interestp. 178
SUID and SGID Root Filesp. 178
Recently Modified/Accessed/Created Filesp. 179
Modified System Filesp. 180
Out-of-Place inodesp. 180
Hidden Files and Hiding Placesp. 181
Chapter 8 Malwarep. 183
Introductionp. 184
Virusesp. 185
Storms on the Horizonp. 188
Do it Yourself with Panda and Clamp. 190
Download ClamAVp. 190
Install ClamAVp. 190
Updating Virus Database with Freshclamp. 191
Scanning the Target Directoryp. 192
Download Panda Antivirusp. 193
Install Panda Antivirusp. 193
Scanning the Target Directoryp. 193
Web Referencesp. 194
Appendix Implementing Cybercrime Detection Techniques on Windows and *nixp. 195
Introductionp. 196
Security Auditing and Log Filesp. 197
Auditing for Windows Platformsp. 199
Auditing for UNIX and Linux Platformsp. 206
Firewall Logs, Reports, Alarms, and Alertsp. 208
Commercial Intrusion Detection Systemsp. 211
Characterizing Intrusion Detection Systemsp. 212
Commercial IDS Playersp. 217
IP Spoofing and Other Antidetection Tacticsp. 218
Honeypots, Honeynets, and Other "Cyberstings"p. 220
Summaryp. 223
Frequently Asked Questionsp. 226
Indexp. 229
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