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Cover image for The art of asking : ask better questions, get better answers
The art of asking : ask better questions, get better answers
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
New Jersey : FT Press, 2009
Physical Description:
xviii, 206 p. ; 21 cm.


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30000010219817 HD30.3 F323 2008 Open Access Book Book

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Ask the Right Questions in the Right Ways...And Get the Answers You Need to Succeed!

Discover the core questions that every manager needs to to avoid the mistakes business questioners make most often...ten simple rules for asking every question more effectively. Learn how to ask tough questions and take control of tough situations...use questions to promote innovation, drive change, identify hidden problems, and get failing projects back on track.

Ask better questions, get better answers, achieve better results!

"Required reading for every leader who wishes to see his or herorganization flourish and career progress."

Garry A. Neil, MD, Corporate Vice President, Johnson & Johnson

"Asking, listening, understanding the real meaning of the answers, and taking actions based on facts are really the essence of managing. This book has helped me in connecting the dots in my understanding (and lack thereof) of why things really did not work the way I expected them to."

Pradip Banerjee, PhD, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xybion; retired partner, Accenture

"The framework and techniques provide outstanding ideas for executives to both gain better information and develop the analytical skills of their teams."

Terry Hisey, Vice Chairman and US Life Sciences Leader, Deloitte

We've all met the corporate inquisitor: the individual whose questions seem primarily intended to terrify the victim. The right goal is to solve the problem --and to build a more effective, collaborative organization where everyone learns from experience, and nobody's too intimidated to tell the truth.

That means asking the right questions in the right ways. This book will teach you how to do precisely that. Terry J. Fadem shows how to choose the right questions and avoid questions that guarantee obvious, useless to help people give you the information you to use body language to ask questions more to ask the innovative or neglected questions that uncover real issues and solutions.

You'll learn how to adopt the attributes of a good questioner...set a goal for every question...use your personal style more effectively...ask tough questions, elicit dissent, react to surprises, overcome evasions, and more. Becoming a better questioner may be the most powerful thing you can do right now to improve your managerial effectiveness--and this book gives you all the insights, tools, and techniques you'll need to get there.

Evaluate your current "questioning" skills...
...then systematically improve them Choose better questions...
...and ask them the right way Ask tough questions more effectively
Get at the truth, uncover the real problem, and solve it Master the crucial nonverbal aspects of asking questions
Finding your best style and the right body language

Author Notes

T.J. (Terry) Fadem is a veteran manager with 25 years of experience ranging from supervising steel workers (J&L Steel) to managing in a major corporation (DuPont) to working with start-up companies. His business venture teams have been profiled in books and periodicals, and he has also been a frequent speaker and consultant on strategic management issues. Fadem is currently the managing director, Corporate Alliances at the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where he is also a member of the Core Team of the Mack Center for Technological Innovation at the Wharton School. In addition, Fadem is president of the Biomedical Research and Education Foundation.



The Art of Asking Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers Preface: Corporate Inquisitions The Not-So-Grand Inquisitor He sat behind a desk holding a pitchfork, as all upper-level managers do when they are bedeviling their employees. Well, at least that's how many people picture the boss. This guy was actually holding one that resembled an implement of the devil--a long black handle with a red trident at the end. An appropriate accompaniment for a kid in a Halloween costume, it was out of place with the corporate blue suit of the middle-aged business director. But, as you will see in a moment, this was a manager who was out of step with his business. Managing business development efforts for a major electronics company with worldwide supply chains is a daunting job for anyone. He had responsibility for overseeing a major growth initiative for the company--one that would likely determine the future of the division. His infrequent visits to the facility that housed the main business unit were as welcome as the arrival of bird flu. The project he had come to review was beset with problems. The marketing organization criticized research, believing that the product design would not meet customer expectations. Every redesign that satisfied the demands of marketing added costs to the product that threatened to price it out of the market it was targeted to reach, thus making the salespeople very unhappy. And they all argued with manufacturing because no matter what design was settled on, no one in the plant had any confidence the product could be manufactured reliably. The project was woefully behind schedule and so far over budget that the likelihood of recovering development costs had become a major concern for management. The desk that he was using, as a physical barrier between himself and the team as much as anything else, rested on a concrete platform, about a foot high, in an old factory warehouse. He actually needed the desk because this particular group of employees was known to hurl chairs when they disagreed with each other. Who knows what they might heave at this guy? Although the original purpose of the elevated floor was to keep gunpowder dry, it now functioned as a stage on which the manager attempted to transform himself into an inquisitor. He had come to visit a business team that was producing a seemingly unending stream of problems rather than products. This meeting was convened to find solutions to the problems the development team had been having so that production could be scheduled and the sales force could start to take orders. In reality, the director was holding an inquisition. He believed he knew the answers--he just wanted to ask the questions. So, with evil scepter in hand, he conducted an investigation, calling on his victims by pointing his pitchfork at them as if to skewer each respondent on one of the barbs. He pointed to the engineering supervisor. Inquisitor: What do you mean you can't get the boards to work? Who designed them? Who built the prototypes? He paused here to catch his breath. No one was going to speak. Inquisitor: What's wrong with you people? Can you explain this? The silence continued. There was no answer to his bullying, except for one of the engineers who entered the room late. A particularly brilliant designer, "Doctor Doom" accepted the verbal challenge. Inquisitor: The project is now overdue by six months. Not one part can be produced for the original forecasted cost. What is the final projected cost of the production model now? Dr. Doom: About four times what we planned at the start! Delivering bad new was Dr. Doom's specialty, hence the nickname. He appeared to enjoy telling managers the truth, as he saw it, and seemed especially pleased if it was very bad news that was not expected by management--and this was indeed, very bad news. Inquisitor: We're losing time, and now you tell me that we have lost any hope of having a price advantage? Do any of you think this makes sense? Can you explain this? He pointed to one of the marketing people in the room. Inquisitor: What's wrong with you people? How could you let this happen? Although offensive by most standards, this particular inquisitor was a small i inquisitor in this company. He was threatening to lower-level people, but in reality, he had only a limited ability to dismiss staff or end careers. This company had an abundance of inquisitors in training. The business director worked for a general manager who was the real "Grand Inquisitor" of the company. The GM was so good at inquisitions that careers spontaneously combusted under the intense pressure of his examinations during business review meetings. There was no need for any burning at the stake. He was known to extract resignations on the spot. If you work in a company or any organization long enough, you might eventually attend or participate in an inquisition or two. I have seen a number of them, and I believe most if not all inquisitions are unnecessary. Although hopefully not commonplace, they do happen, and they represent many of the worst characteristics of inappropriate questioning conducted by managers in their daily work. One of the reasons that unsuitable questioning occurs is that the skills employed when conducting inquiries tend to be those that are passed on by example. If mentors or senior managers are particularly good at asking questions (and if they are also personally successful), their skills are passed on to those who want to emulate them. As in the case just discussed, however, if managers' skills are tactless and the company is still successful under this kind of leadership, the reverse happens. Poor habits are perpetuated. People are fooled into thinking that bullying, intimidating, or torturing by "elocutioning" employees can bring success just because they see these traits in managers of successful enterprises. Even when a business fails, if people had no other mentors to learn from, they have few positive skills to take forward in their career. Unfortunately, as discussed in the next few chapters, not all successful managers, including those who possess excellent questioning skills, excel at asking questions all the time. Managers ask questions for a wide variety of specific reasons. For purposes of our discussion, I have boiled the reasons down to three general categories of inquiry: Questions asked because the answer is important Questions asked because the question is important Questions asked because the process of asking is important In the first category, the answer is more important than the question, so all questions need to be asked with that fact in mind. A manager might want to learn about an idea, or, as in the previously discussed case, the issue under investigation may be "what went wrong" (even though the management devil in this example had no real interest in the answer). In addition to asking questions effectively, managers need simultaneously to employ listening skills. In the second category, the question is more important than the answer. A manager might want a particular line of reasoning to be used to evaluate projects, or perhaps other considerations should be addressed and the question is a tool to be applied to the situation. There might be no answer to some questions because they are designed to generate discussion rather than answers. This practice is common in many classrooms where questions are designed to get students to think about the question or sharpen their analytical skills rather than supply a correct answer. The business director in the short example mentioned previously actually didn't care about the questions either. For him, the process of asking questions--the inquisition--was what mattered most. So, the manner of asking seemed to be his overriding concern. He was intentionally making people feel uncomfortable by grilling them with questions and letting them know that he didn't care about the answers. But, there are less-threatening circumstances where the process of asking is designed by the manager to instruct or to get a group or an individual to approach a problem differently. Mentors, professors, consultants, and advisors often play this role with their questions. In other cases, the process of asking can be used to allow the group to develop new ideas. So, not all questioning that focuses on process is an inquisition. For most managers, interest lies in the question as well as the answer. And, it's the process of asking that establishes the importance of each question and answer. This book was designed to address the need for improving questions as well as the manner in which managers ask them--to thus achieve better answers, which are ultimately what is needed for a business to succeed in the long run. The business management "devil" in the opening story eventually met his due. After months of delays, the development team finally produced a viable product, over a year behind schedule and well over budget--but it was completed. Fighting stopped long enough to get the job done, and everyone on the project team moved on to other assignments or left for jobs elsewhere. By sheer coincidence, I happened to be present when this particular business director was making a presentation to the Grand Inquisitor--the general manager of the division. The director's business unit was not doing well. Errors in judgment coupled with poor forecasting had led to two straight years of underperformance. New products were delayed, morale was poor, and there was no end in sight. Under intense questioning from the general manager, he self-destructed. Grand Inquisitor: Forget the numbers, what's your analysis of the situation? Why do you have such bad news about something you should've fixed long before now? Director: Exchange rates hurt our European margins, costs are up in our plants in Asia due to environmental concerns, and marketing forecasted a more aggressive return than the sales force was able to deliver. Grand Inquisitor: That's not good enough. And what else? Director: Well, if my analysis isn't good enough for you, you can find someone else to run this business. Grand Inquisitor (rather triumphantly): I will. And then, in a perverse twist of the pitchfork, which was now buried deep in the manager's ego, he gleefully moved on to attack any self-esteem that remained. Grand Inquisitor: But I'm still waiting for a good explanation from you for such a bad performance. Turning red and gasping for air, the exasperated manager stalked out of the meeting and immediately resigned. The business eventually failed and was sold off by the parent company. It's now doing better under different management. I lost track of the not-so-grand inquisitor, but the Grand Inquisitor general manager went on to be an even more overbearing boor of a manager as the CEO of another company, where he was eventually awarded a golden parachute for leading yet another crop of business managers to extinction. There was little in his record of leading businesses that demonstrated the kind of good performance expected from a true business leader. A mythology followed him around with vague references to how he saved a business with his great insights fresh out of school with his MBA. I never met a witness to this history. He just always seemed to appear on the scene when the business conditions were failing just enough to blame previous management, impress people with excruciatingly tortuous questioning sessions, and then leave the business right before it crashed. To this day, I cannot understand why he was never held to account for years of poor performance, not to mention ruined careers. This lack of accountability is a troubling aspect of business management visible in a number of places in the market. Improving a manager's ability to ask a question is no guarantee that business performance will be improved, but it should help. It is possible that both the project and the business of the manager cited in the preceding example might have performed better if the manager had been better prepared to ask questions of the people who worked for him. This book offers an opportunity for managers at all levels to improve one of the most basic aspects of their jobs: asking questions! (c) Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved. Excerpted from The Art of Asking: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers by Terry J. Fadem All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xiii
Introduction: Questioning Is the Skill of Managementp. 1
1 Is There a Basic Set of Management Questions?p. 1
2 Asking Questions Is the Skill of Effective Managementp. 3
3 How Good Are Your Skills?p. 5
4 You Ask Too Many Questionsp. 7
Common Errors: How to Recognize and Correct Themp. 15
5 What Are the Common Errors?p. 15
6 Do You Have Habit Questions?p. 16
7 Does Your Question Lack Context?p. 17
8 Do You Put the Answer in the Question?p. 18
9 Positioning: "Just a Country Lawyer..."p. 20
10 Posturing: When the Questioner Suddenly Becomes Largerp. 22
11 A "Casual" Question?p. 25
12 Do You Speak "Jargonese"?p. 27
13 Avoidance: If I Close My Eyes, Will the Elephant in the Room Disappear?p. 28
14 No Question: Managing by "Wall"p. 31
Neglected Questionsp. 33
15 If I Ask a Foolish Question, I'll Look Foolishp. 33
16 Unasked Questions: If You Already Know the Answer, It Is Unnecessary to Ask the Questionp. 34
17 Someone Else (of Higher Authority or Greater Experience) Will Askp. 35
18 Saved Questions: I Will Save My Question for Another More Appropriate Timep. 37
19 My Question Will Make Waves and Making Waves Is Badp. 38
20 Normalization of a Defectp. 41
Misuses of Management Skills: Inquisitions Are Not the Only Abuse of Questioningp. 43
21 Errors and the Misuse of Management Skillsp. 43
22 Is Your Question an Abuse of Power?p. 44
23 Are There Questions That Should Not Be Asked?p. 47
Questioning: Improve Your Skillsp. 53
24 What Are the Attributes of a Person Who Asks Good Questions?p. 53
25 Are You Prepared to Ask?p. 54
26 What's the Purpose of Your Question?p. 56
27 Words: Are Some Words More Important Than Others?p. 58
28 What Are the "Right" Questions?p. 61
29 Is Everything We Ask Important?p. 63
30 The Manner of Asking a Question: Stylep. 64
31 What Was That You Said?p. 65
32 Can You Use a Raised Voice?p. 66
33 What Is Your Personal Style for Asking Questions?p. 68
34 Who Is Asking the Question?p. 71
35 Who Are You as a Manager?p. 73
Signs and Signalsp. 77
36 Hand Gestures and Other Physical Signalsp. 77
37 Eye Contactp. 80
38 Demeanor, Body Language, and Facial Expressionsp. 81
Types of Questionsp. 85
39 Direct Questionsp. 86
40 Indirect Questionsp. 87
41 Open Questionsp. 88
42 Closed Questionsp. 90
43 Stupid Questionsp. 91
44 Filtering Questionsp. 92
45 Double-Direct Questionsp. 93
46 Hypothetical Questions (If, What If, Suppose)p. 94
47 Provocative Questionsp. 95
48 Rhetorical Questionsp. 96
49 Reflective Questionsp. 97
50 Leading Questionsp. 98
51 The Pause as a Questionp. 99
52 Silent Questionsp. 101
53 One-Word Questionsp. 102
54 Clarifying Questionsp. 103
55 Divergent Questionsp. 104
56 Convergent Questionsp. 106
57 Redirecting Questionsp. 107
58 Negative Questionsp. 108
59 Either/Or Questionsp. 110
60 Loaded Questionsp. 111
61 Trick Questionsp. 112
62 Dual-Answer Closed Questionsp. 113
63 General Reference Questions to Keep Handyp. 114
Use of Skillsp. 117
64 Do You Have a Plan?p. 117
65 Follow-Ups and Probesp. 125
66 Follow-Up Questionsp. 126
67 Probing Strategiesp. 133
68 Does the Manager Need to Control the Conversation?p. 142
69 Strategies for Asking Tough Questionsp. 143
70 Mounting Challengesp. 146
71 Eliciting Dissentp. 147
72 Are You Prepared for Any Answer? What About a Surprise?p. 151
73 The Use of Leading Questionsp. 155
74 Looking for Reasonsp. 156
75 Are You Asking for an Opinion?p. 157
76 How Do You Evaluate New Ideas?p. 158
77 Looking for Trouble?p. 160
78 Strategies for the Settingp. 161
79 Are You Prepared for Answers?p. 163
80 Are You Prepared for Nonanswers?p. 165
81 Have You Asked About the Fatal Flaw?p. 166
Listeningp. 173
82 Listening: The "Hearing Phenomenon"p. 173
83 What Are You Listening For?p. 175
84 Avoiding Listening Errorsp. 177
Conclusionsp. 179
85 Is Socrates to Blame?p. 179
86 Conclusions and Final Recommendationsp. 182
Epiloguep. 185
Are You Still Here?p. 185
Definitionsp. 187
Referencesp. 191
Questioning as a Spectator Sport: Where to Go to Watch and Learn the Gamep. 195
Endnotesp. 199
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