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Project management success with CMMI : seven CMMI process areas
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Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2007


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30000010155957 T56.8 P47 2007 Open Access Book Book
30000010079742 T56.8 P47 2007 Open Access Book Book

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Use CMMI to Improve Project Management Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Accountability

The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Maturity Level 2 offers powerful, end-to-end tools for improvement throughout your organization. In Project Management Success with CMMI #65533;, James Persse demonstrates exactly how to apply CMMI Level 2 to virtually any project, program, or process. User friendly, concise, and easy to follow, this book helps you implement all seven CMMI Level 2 process areas; customize CMMI for your unique projects and organization; and achieve powerful, quantifiable results.

The author takes a practical approach to the business and operational needs of project management, carefully linking the realities of business and technical projects with CMMI recommendations. Drawing on his unsurpassed CMMI field experience, Persse presents case studies, anecdotes, and examples--all designed to illuminate what works and what doesn't.

Persse introduces the substance and intention of all seven CMMI Level 2 process areas. For each area, he shows how to define goals, implement best practices, understand issues of sizing and scope, and avoid pitfalls and misinterpretations. He is also the first to explain how CMMI can integrate with the tools and skills of the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge, improving the effectiveness of both.

Coverage includes

Understanding project management as value management Planning projects and structuring expectations Monitoring and controlling projects Managing requirements, configurations, and supplier agreements Implementing effective measurement and analysis Assuring process and product quality

Project Management Success with CMMI #65533; is an invaluable resource for anyone responsible for managing projects, programs, or processes--including those who are new to CMMI and project management.

The book's companion Web site ( ) contains an extensive library of downloadable CMMI project management resources corresponding to each of the seven CMMI process areas.

Author Notes

James Persse, managing partner of Altair Solutions, Inc.



This book is intended to help shed some practical light on how companies can use process to help promote and achieve project management success. The term project management success can, of course, mean many different things. The definition will vary from company to company, and this can be particularly true for technology companies. The nature of their work, their industrial focus, their size, the makeup of different customer bases--all of these contribute to how a project is viewed, managed, and in the end deemed successful. And so this book will begin with a look at what the domains of project management typically entail, what performance factors are typically pursued, and what measures (or perceptions) usually shape the picture of success. But first, I offer a few quick words about the process center of this book, the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), and about the book itself. The Purpose of This Book This book explains how the Capability Maturity Model Integration, specifically CMMI-DEV, version 1.2, can be used to foster project management success in technology development shops. More specifically, I discuss how the seven Process Areas defined for Maturity Level 2 particularly address the needs of project management in shops large and small. This book--and I have kept its focus condensed to the realm of project management--is not intended as a full-bore explanation of all 22 Process Areas in CMMI. Nor is it positioned as a tome on process improvement or what might be called the art of project management. This book takes a practical approach to the business and operational needs of project management, illustrates these against the recommendations contained under CMMI Maturity Level 2, and then describes ways and methods of realizing these recommendations in your organization. If you read through this book carefully, I hope that in the end you'll be able to better appreciate four factors relevant to CMMI, process improvement, and project management: The general requirements for project management success The general scope and purpose of CMMI The structure, use, and benefits to be derived from CMMI Maturity Level 2 The complementary relationship that can exist between CMMI and project management bodies of knowledge such as the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The Audience for This Book This book has been designed for two distinct but related audiences: project managers and process managers. Both of these groups should find value in the ways that CMMI can contribute to the management of technology projects and connect with specific project management disciplines, as well as how it can support environments in which these disciplines have not yet been introduced. Project Managers If you are a project manager, you may come to this book with a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification or you may not. You may be certified by the American Management Association (AMA). You might have no formal credentials but possess solid management and organizational skills. You might work in a formalized environment--one supported by long-standing methods and practices. Or you might operate in a more free form culture, one with a get-up-and go approach to doing business. Whatever the situation, project managers remain the driving force behind the coordinated execution of project work in any enterprise, so this book is written especially to address the issues that surround that mission. The intention of the book is to introduce you to what might be new techniques and management strategies founded in CMMI, not as a total or complete project management solution, but rather as a foundation for growing a capable and effective project management program that can help you better achieve your tactical goals and objectives. Process Managers This book is also intended for process managers. In the technology industries, the term process manager has been floating around more and more lately (and that's a positive thing), but unlike project managers, process managers' roles and requirements have yet to be solidly defined. They can vary widely from shop to shop. However, the generic function should be recognized. The process manager is the person in an organization who manages that organization's process program and is generally responsible for the way it is implemented, measured, and maintained. And while there is a PMP designation for project managers, there is no similar designation for process managers. You might assign to the position a Six Sigma black belt, an ISO auditor, or a CMMI lead appraiser, but those are all individual designations. Whoever takes on the role takes on an important responsibility. Process managers serve at the strategic level of operations; the programs they maintain define how their organizations work. And so this book should be of interest to process managers, particularly with regard to their role in supporting project development and management activities. The methods and process disciplines we discuss in this book, based on CMMI (and related from time to time to the PMI's PMBOK), can be shaped and tailored to form an evolving process program, or they can be borrowed and trimmed to extend existing process programs. An appreciation for how CMMI can contribute to project management success, within a PMBOK environment or even as a PMBOK alternative, will serve process managers well. How This Book Is Organized This book is organized into three general sections. In the first two chapters, we look at the overall structure of CMMI, explore its focus and purpose, and discuss how one slice of the model--the view from Maturity Level 2--can be used to augment successful project management in a technology shop. We also begin to relate the seven Process Areas typically found at Level 2 to the Knowledge Areas and Process Groups of the PMI's PMBOK. Then, in Chapters 3 through 9, we discuss the Specific Goals and Specific Practices of the following seven Process Areas with a view toward implementation for project control: Project Planning Project Monitoring & Control Requirements Management Configuration Management Supplier Agreement Management Measurement & Analysis Process & Product Quality Assurance In Chapter 10, we look at the Generic Goals and Generic Practices designed to support these Level 2 Process Areas. Finally, in Chapter 11, we discuss how to integrate the functions and operations of Maturity Level 2 into a well-founded project management program, one based on the principles of process improvement, one built to coexist within the framework of the PMBOK, or one that can be used by project managers outside of, or as an alternative to, the PMBOK. Let's begin with an overview of process itself and the case that can be built about the relationship between process and project management success. Excerpted from Project Management Success with CMMI: Seven CMMI Process Areas by James Persse All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xv
Acknowledgmentsp. xix
About the Authorp. xxi
Chapter 1 Introductionp. 1
Project Management as Value Managementp. 4
Visible Management through Processp. 7
Chapter 2 Project Management Success through Processp. 13
The Capability Maturity Model-A Process Improvement Frameworkp. 14
CMMI Is Not a Process Programp. 15
A Framework of Integrated Constellationsp. 15
Disciplines Covered by CMMI-DEVp. 16
CMMI-DEV for Process Improvementp. 17
A Commitment to Processp. 20
A Commitment to Timep. 22
CMMI-DEV Process Areasp. 23
Project Management Process Areasp. 26
Process Management Process Areasp. 29
Engineering Process Areasp. 32
Support Process Areasp. 35
Institutionalizing Process Areas with Generic Goalsp. 38
GG 1 Achieve Specific Goalsp. 39
GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Processp. 39
GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Processp. 40
GG 4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Processp. 40
GG 5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Processp. 40
Two Ways to Implement CMMIp. 41
The Continuous Representationp. 41
The Staged Representationp. 45
CMMI and Project Managementp. 49
Project Management Success with CMMIp. 50
The Seven Process Areas of Maturity Level 2p. 52
Level 2 Is the Beginningp. 53
A Note on CMMI and the PMI's PMBOKp. 54
Chapter 3 Project Planningp. 57
The Purpose of Project Planningp. 58
Establish Realistic Estimatesp. 59
Document a Management Approach for the Projectp. 60
Obtain Commitment to the Approach from Relevant Partiesp. 60
What Is a Plan?p. 61
Project Planning Goals and Practicesp. 62
SG 1 Establish Estimatesp. 63
SP 1.1 Estimate the Scope of the Projectp. 66
SP 1.2 Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributesp. 67
SP 1.3 Define Project Lifecyclep. 69
SP 1.4 Determine Estimates of Effort and Costp. 70
SG 2 Develop a Project Planp. 71
SP 2.1 Establish the Budget and Schedulep. 73
SP 2.2 Identify Project Risksp. 75
SP 2.3 Plan for Data Managementp. 77
SP 2.4 Plan for Project Resourcesp. 78
SP 2.5 Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skillsp. 80
SP 2.6 Plan Stakeholder Involvementp. 82
SP 2.7 Establish the Project Planp. 83
SG 3 Obtain Commitment to the Planp. 85
SP 3.1 Review Plans That Affect the Projectp. 87
SP 3.2 Reconcile Work and Resource Levelsp. 89
SP 3.3 Obtain Plan Commitmentp. 90
The Benefits of Controlled Project Planningp. 92
A Regimen for Realistic Planningp. 92
A Definition of Successp. 92
A Contract of Agreement and Actionp. 93
A Common Basis for Decision Makingp. 93
Some Example Program Componentsp. 94
A Project Planning Policyp. 94
A Project Plan Templatep. 94
A Set of Estimation Guidelinesp. 94
A Procedure to Create the Project Planp. 95
A Procedure to Review and Approve the Planp. 95
A Policy on Acceptable Forms of Commitmentp. 95
Look to the Web Site forp. 95
Chapter 4 Project Monitoring & Controlp. 97
The Purpose of Project Monitoring & Controlp. 98
Guide the Workp. 99
Protect the Commitmentsp. 99
Promote Communicationsp. 100
Facilitate Correction, Adjustment, and Focusp. 100
The Heart of the Projectp. 101
Project Monitoring & Control Goals and Practicesp. 102
SG 1 Monitor Project Against Planp. 103
SP 1.1 Monitor Project Planning Parametersp. 105
SP 1.2 Monitor Commitmentsp. 108
SP 1.3 Monitor Project Risksp. 110
SP 1.4 Monitor Data Managementp. 111
SP 1.5 Monitor Stakeholder Involvementp. 112
SP 1.6 Conduct Progress Reviewsp. 114
SP 1.7 Conduct Milestone Reviewsp. 115
SG 2 Manage Corrective Action to Closurep. 116
SP 2.1 Analyze Issuesp. 118
SP 2.2 Take Corrective Actionp. 118
SP 2.3 Manage Corrective Actionp. 120
The Benefits of Project Monitoring & Controlp. 121
A Platform for Value Managementp. 121
A Common Language of Progress and Oversightp. 122
A Project Management Performance Barp. 122
Consistency in PMO Operationsp. 123
Some Example Program Componentsp. 124
Tracking Policyp. 124
Status Report Formsp. 124
Project Tracking Metricsp. 125
Look to the Web Site forp. 125
Chapter 5 Requirements Managementp. 127
The Purpose of Requirements Managementp. 128
A Core Project Management Responsibilityp. 129
Requirements-What Qualifies?p. 132
A Continuous Activityp. 133
Requirements Management Goals and Practicesp. 134
SG 1 Manage Requirementsp. 135
SP 1.1 Obtain an Understanding of the Requirementsp. 137
SP 1.2 Obtain Commitment to the Requirementsp. 140
SP 1.3 Manage Requirements Changesp. 144
SP 1.4 Maintain Bi-directional Traceability of Requirementsp. 148
SP 1.5 Identify Inconsistencies between Project Work and Requirementsp. 150
Some Other Ways to Achieve the Practicesp. 152
The Benefits of Sound Requirements Managementp. 153
Synchronicityp. 154
Enhanced Controlp. 154
Management Visibilityp. 155
A Standard for Fulfillmentp. 155
Some Example Program Componentsp. 155
Requirements Management Policyp. 156
Requirements Document Review Procedurep. 156
Requirements Review Checklistp. 156
Requirements Document Stakeholder ID Formp. 157
Requirements Review and Comments Formp. 157
Requirements Change Request Procedurep. 157
Requirements Baseline Sign-Off Formp. 158
Look to the Web Site forp. 158
Chapter 6 Configuration Managementp. 159
The Purpose of Configuration Managementp. 160
A Mechanism of Managementp. 162
Configuration Management Goals and Practicesp. 166
SG 1 Establish Baselinesp. 167
SP 1.1 Identify Configuration Itemsp. 169
SP 1.2 Establish a Configuration Management Systemp. 172
SP 1.3 Create or Release Baselinesp. 175
SG 2 Track and Control Changesp. 177
SP 2.1 Track Change Requestsp. 178
SP 2.2 Control Configuration Itemsp. 180
SG 3 Establish Integrityp. 182
SP 3.1 Perform Configuration Auditsp. 182
SP 3.2 Establish Configuration Management Recordsp. 184
The Benefits of Sound Configuration Managementp. 186
Referential Integrityp. 186
Change Controlp. 187
Statutory Compliancep. 187
Workflow Controlp. 188
Some Example Program Componentsp. 188
Configuration Management Plan Templatep. 189
Change Control Board Charterp. 189
Change Request Form and Procedurep. 190
Change Assessment Procedurep. 190
Change Assessment Criteriap. 191
Baseline Update and Release Procedurep. 191
Look to the Web Site forp. 192
Chapter 7 Supplier Agreement Managementp. 193
The Purpose of Supplier Agreement Managementp. 194
Shop Smartp. 195
Control the Supply Chainp. 195
Forge Reliable Supplier Relationshipsp. 196
Protect Qualityp. 196
Supplier Agreement Management Goals and Practicesp. 198
SG 1 Establish Supplier Agreementsp. 199
SP 1.1 Determine Acquisition Typep. 201
SP 1.2 Select Suppliersp. 203
SP 1.3 Establish Supplier Agreementsp. 205
SG 2 Satisfy Supplier Agreementsp. 207
SP 2.1 Execute the Supplier Agreementp. 208
SP 2.2 Monitor Selected Supplier Processesp. 209
SP 2.3 Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Productsp. 212
SP 2.4 Accept the Acquired Productp. 214
SP 2.5 Transition Productsp. 215
The Benefits of Supplier Agreement Managementp. 217
Consistent Management of the Supply Chainp. 217
Heightened Purchasing Efficienciesp. 218
Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationshipsp. 218
Visible Performance and Quality Controlp. 219
Some Example Program Componentsp. 219
Supplier Agreement Management Policyp. 220
Acquisition-Specific Supplier Agreementsp. 220
Corrective Action Procedurep. 220
Product Acceptance Procedurep. 221
Look to the Web Site forp. 221
Chapter 8 Measurement & Analysisp. 223
The Purpose of Measurement & Analysisp. 224
Establish Success Criteria Up Frontp. 226
Bound the Focus of Project Managementp. 226
Provide Empirical and Consistent Progress Markersp. 227
Establish a Basis for Improvementp. 227
Measurement & Analysis Goals and Practicesp. 228
SG 1 Align Measurement & Analysis Activitiesp. 229
SP 1.1 Establish Measurement Objectivesp. 231
SP 1.2 Specify Measuresp. 233
SP 1.3 Specify Data Collection and Storage Proceduresp. 234
SP 1.4 Specify Analysis Proceduresp. 236
SG 2 Provide Measurement Resultsp. 237
SP 2.1 Collect Measurement Datap. 237
SP 2.2 Analyze Measurement Datap. 238
SP 2.3 Store Data and Resultsp. 238
SP 2.4 Communicate Resultsp. 239
The Benefits of Measurement & Analysisp. 239
A Tool for Ongoing Project Controlp. 240
A Standard for Reporting Project Performancep. 241
A Foundation for Understanding Organizational Performancep. 241
Some Example Program Componentsp. 242
MA Plan Templatep. 242
MA Business Objectivesp. 243
MA Collection and Analysis Procedurep. 243
MA Reporting Procedurep. 244
MA Repositoryp. 244
Look to the Web Site forp. 245
Chapter 9 Process & Product Quality Assurancep. 247
The Purpose of Process & Product Quality Assurancep. 248
Support Established Workflowsp. 250
Promote Organizational Consistencyp. 251
Provide Online Coaching and Mentoringp. 251
Provide a Window on Improvementp. 252
Process & Product Quality Assurance Goals and Practicesp. 253
SG 1 Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Productsp. 254
SP 1.1 Objectively Evaluate Processes and SP 1.2: Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Servicesp. 256
Some PPQA Tipsp. 259
SG 2 Provide Objective Insightp. 261
SP 2.1 Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issuesp. 262
SP 2.2 Establish Recordsp. 265
Some Other Ways to Achieve the Practicesp. 268
The Benefits of Process & Product Quality Assurancep. 270
Support for Project Management Goalsp. 271
Insight into Project and Organizational Movementp. 271
An Open Window on Improvementp. 272
A Source for Value Managementp. 272
Some Example Program Componentsp. 273
PPQA Policyp. 273
PPQA Plan Templatep. 274
PPQA Audit Procedurep. 274
PPQA Audit Notificationp. 274
Audit Form and Checklistp. 275
Audit Results Report Formp. 275
Look to the Web Site forp. 275
Chapter 10 Supporting Success with the Generic Goalsp. 277
The Purpose of CMMI's Generic Goalsp. 278
Maturity Level 2-A Recapp. 280
The Concept of Institutionalizationp. 281
Maturity Level 2 Generic Goals and Practicesp. 281
GG 1 Achieve Specific Goalsp. 283
GP 1.1 Perform Specific Practicesp. 283
GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Processp. 284
GP 2.1 Establish an Organizational Policyp. 284
GP 2.2 Plan the Processp. 284
GP 2.3 Provide Resourcesp. 285
GP 2.4 Assign Responsibilityp. 285
GP 2.5 Train Peoplep. 286
GP 2.6 Manage Configurationsp. 287
GP 2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholdersp. 287
GP 2.8 Monitor and Control the Processp. 288
GP 2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherencep. 289
GP 2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Managementp. 289
The Benefits of the Generic Goalsp. 290
Project Planning Consistencyp. 291
Project Management Consistencyp. 291
Standardized Expectationsp. 292
Chapter 11 An Integrated Approach to Project Management Successp. 293
Project Management Disciplinesp. 294
CMMI without PMP (or CPM or MPM)p. 295
CMMI Maturity Level 2 and the PMBOKp. 297
Process Groupsp. 298
Knowledge Areasp. 300
Conclusionp. 303
Understandingp. 304
Controlp. 304
Flexibilityp. 305
Communicationp. 305
Indexp. 307
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