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A practical introduction to computer vision with OpenCV
Publication Information:
Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdon ; Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons., Inc., 2014
Physical Description:
xi, 217 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
"Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries"--provided by publisher


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30000010337705 TA1634 D39 2014 Open Access Book Book

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Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries

Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developers to make use of this field due to the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV 2). This text is intended to facilitate the practical use of computer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between the theory and the practical implementation of computer vision. The book will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV library routines and will be accompanied by a full working program including the code snippets from the text. This textbook is a heavily illustrated, practical introduction to an exciting field, the applications of which are becoming almost ubiquitous. We are now surrounded by cameras, for example cameras on computers & tablets/ cameras built into our mobile phones/ cameras in games consoles; cameras imaging difficult modalities (such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRI) in hospitals, and surveillance cameras. This book is concerned with helping the next generation of computer developers to make use of all these images in order to develop systems which are more intuitive and interact with us in more intelligent ways.

Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Offers an introduction to computer vision, with enough theory to make clear how the various algorithms work but with an emphasis on practical programming issues Provides enough material for a one semester course in computer vision at senior undergraduate and Masters levels Includes the basics of cameras and images and image processing to remove noise, before moving on to topics such as image histogramming; binary imaging; video processing to detect and model moving objects; geometric operations & camera models; edge detection; features detection; recognition in images Contains a large number of vision application problems to provide students with the opportunity to solve real problems. Images or videos for these problems are provided in the resources associated with this book which include an enhanced eBook

Author Notes

Kenneth Dawson-Howe, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Dawson-Howe is a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Statistics and part of the Graphics, Vision and Visualisation (GV2) Research Group at Trinity College Dublin. He currently teaches the course Computer Vision/Vision Systems to final year undergraduate and Masters students. He has been teaching courses in the area of computer vision for over 20 years. He is co-author of the Dictionary of Computer Vision & Image Processing published by Wiley in 2005 (2nd Edition to publish December 2013).

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xiii
1 Introductionp. 1
1.1 A Difficult Problemp. 1
1.2 The Human Vision Systemp. 2
1.3 Practical Applications of Computer Visionp. 3
1.4 The Future of Computer Visionp. 5
1.5 Material in This Textbookp. 6
1.6 Going Further with Computer Visionp. 7
2 Imagesp. 9
2.1 Camerasp. 9
2.1.1 The Simple Pinhole Camera Modelp. 9
2.2 Imagesp. 10
2.2.1 Samplingp. 11
2.2.2 Quantisationp. 11
2.3 Colour Imagesp. 13
2.3.1 Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Imagesp. 14
2.3.2 Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) Imagesp. 17
2.5.2 YUV Imagesp. 17
2.3.2 Hue Luminance Saturation (HIS) Imagesp. 18
2.3.3 Other Colour Spacesp. 20
2.3.4 Some Colour Applicationsp. 20
2.4 Noisep. 22
2.4.1 Types of Noisep. 23
2.4.2 Noise Modelsp. 25
2.4.3 Noise Generationp. 26
2.4.4 Noise Evaluationp. 26
2.5 Smoothingp. 27
2.5.1 Image Averagingp. 27
2.5.2 Local Averaging and Gaussian Smoothingp. 28
2.5.3 Rotating Maskp. 30
2.5.4 Median Filterp. 31
3 Histogramsp. 35
3.1 1D Hisogramsp. 35
3.1.1 Histogram Smoothingp. 36
3.1.2 Colour Histogramsp. 37
3.2 3D Histogramsp. 39
3.3 Histogram/Image Equalisationp. 40
3.4 Histogram Comparisonp. 41
3.5 Back-projectionp. 43
3.6 k-means Clusteringp. 44
4 Binary Visionp. 49
4.1 Thresholdingp. 49
4.1.1 Thresholding Problemsp. 50
4.2 Threshold Detection Methodsp. 51
4.2.1 Bimodal Histogram Analysisp. 52
4.2.2 Optimal Thresholdingp. 52
4.2.3 Otsu Thresholdingp. 54
4.3 Variations on Thresholdingp. 56
4.3.1 Adaptive Thresholdingp. 56
4.3.2 Band Thresholdingp. 57
4.3.3 Semi-thresholdingp. 58
4.3.4 Multispectral Thresholdingp. 58
4.4 Mathematical Morphologyp. 59
4.4.1 Dilationp. 60
4.4.2 Erosionp. 62
4.4.3 Opening and Closingp. 63
4.4.4 Grey-scale and Colour Morphologyp. 65
4.5 Connectivityp. 66
4.5.1 Connectedness: Paradoxes and Solutionsp. 66
4.5.2 Connected Components Analysisp. 67
5 Geometric Transformationsp. 71
5.1 Problem Specification and Algorithmp. 71
5.2 Affine Transformationsp. 73
5.2.1 Known Affine Transformationsp. 74
5.2.2 Unknown Affine Transformationsp. 75
5.3 Perspective Transformationsp. 76
5.4 Specification of More Complex Transformationsp. 78
5.5 Interpolationp. 78
5.5.1 Nearest Neighbour Interpolationp. 79
5.5.2 Bilinear Interpolationp. 79
5.5.3 Bi-Cubic Interpolationp. 80
5.6 Modelling and Removing Distortion from Camerasp. 80
5.6.1 Camera Distortionsp. 81
5.6.2 Camera Calibration and Removing Distortionp. 82
6 Edgesp. 83
6.1 Edge Detectionp. 83
6.1.1 First Derivative Edge Detectorsp. 85
6.1.2 Second Derivative Edge Detectorsp. 92
6.1.3 Multispectral Edge Detectionp. 97
6.1.4 Image Sharpeningp. 98
6.2 Contour Segmentationp. 99
6.2.1 Basic Representations of Edge Datap. 99
6.2.2 Border Detectionp. 102
6.2.3 Extracting Line Segment Representations of Edge Contoursp. 105
6.3 Hough Transformp. 108
6.3.1 Hough for Linesp. 109
6.3.2 Hough for Circlesp. 111
6.3.3 Generalised Houghp. 112
7 Featuresp. 115
7.1 Moravec Corner Detectionp. 117
7.2 Harris Comer Detectionp. 118
7.3 FAST Corner Detectionp. 121
7.4 SIFTp. 122
7.4.1 Scale Space Extrema Detectionp. 123
7.4.2 Accurate Keypoint Locationp. 124
7.4.3 Keypoint Orientation Assignmentp. 126
7.4.4 Keypoint Descriptorp. 127
7.4.5 Matching Keypointsp. 127
7.4.6 Recognitionp. 127
7.5 Other Detectorsp. 129
7.5.1 Minimum Eigenvaluesp. 130
7.5.2 SURFp. 130
8 Recognitionp. 131
8.1 Template Matchingp. 131
8.1.1 Applicationsp. 131
8.1.2 Template Matching Algorithmp. 133
8.1.3 Matching Metricsp. 134
8.1.3 Finding Local Maxima or Minimap. 135
8.1.4 Control Strategies for Matchingp. 137
8.2 Chamfer Matchingp. 137
8.2.1 Chamfering Algorithmp. 137
8.2.2 Chamfer Matching Algorithmp. 139
8.3 Statistical Pattern Recognitionp. 140
8.3.1 Probability Reviewp. 142
8.3.2 Sample Featuresp. 143
8.3.3 Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniquep. 149
8.4 Cascade of Haar Classifiersp. 152
8.4.1 Featuresp. 154
8.4.2 Trainingp. 156
8.4.3 Classifiersp. 156
8.4.4 Recognitionp. 158
8.5 Other Recognition Techniquesp. 158
8.5.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM)p. 158
8.5.2 Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HoG)p. 159
8.6 Performancep. 160
8.6.1 Image and Video Datasetsp. 160
8.6.2 Ground Truthp. 161
8.6.3 Metrics for Assessing Classification Performancep. 162
8.6.4 Improving Computation limep. 165
9 Videop. 167
9.1 Moving Object Detectionp. 167
9.1.1 Object of Interestp. 168
9.1.2 Common Problemsp. 168
9.1.3 Difference Imagesp. 169
9.1.4 Background Modelsp. 171
9.1.5 Shadow Detectionp. 179
9.2 Trackingp. 180
9.2.1 Exhaustive Searchp. 181
9.2.2 Mean Shiftp. 181
9.2.3 Dense Optical Flowp. 182
9.2.4 Feature Based Optical Flowp. 185
9.3 Performancep. 186
9.3.1 Video Datasets (and Formats)p. 186
9.3.2 Metrics for Assessing Video Tracking Performancep. 187
10 Vision Problemsp. 189
10.1 Baby Foodp. 189
10.2 Labels on Gluep. 190
10.3 O-ringsp. 191
10.4 Slaying in Lanep. 192
10.5 Reading Noticesp. 193
10.6 Mailboxesp. 194
10.7 Abandoned and Removed Object Detectionp. 195
10.8 Surveillancep. 196
10.9 Traffic Lightsp. 197
10.10 Real Time Face Trackingp. 198
10.11 Playing Poolp. 199
10.12 Open Windowsp. 200
10.13 Modelling Doorsp. 201
10.14 Determining the Time from Analogue Clocksp. 202
10.15 Which Pagep. 203
10.16 Nut/Bolt/Washer Classificationp. 204
10.17 Road Sign Recognitionp. 205
10.18 License Platesp. 206
10.19 Counting Bicyclesp. 207
10.20 Recognise Pointingsp. 208
Referencesp. 209
Indexp. 213
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