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Cover image for Teacher's handbook : contextualized language instruction
Teacher's handbook : contextualized language instruction
Personal Author:
4th ed.
Publication Information:
Boston, MA : Heinle Cengage Learning, 2010
Physical Description:
xviii, 510 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Added Author:


Item Barcode
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Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010253453 P51 S37 2010 Open Access Book Book

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Teach foreign language effectively with TEACHER'S HANDBOOK: CONTEXTUALIZED LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, 4th Edition. Designed to prepare you to teach foreign language, this handbook incorporates the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, and provides a practical framework for integrating the Five C's into foreign language teaching. Mastering the material is easy with real-world examples, provocative case studies, extensive appendices, and a text-specific website with links to teacher resources and streaming video of standards-based instruction.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: Acknowledgements
Preliminary: Becoming Familiar with The Profession and Expectations for Language Teachers
Architecture of the Profession
Expectations for Language Teachers: A Continuum of Teacher Standards
Language Policy and Language Education Policy
Investigate and Reflect: Learning About Your National Language-Specific Organization and Your state Language Association
Learning About Your Regional Language Conference
Familiarizing Yourself With Foreign Language Resources
Comparing Teacher Standards Across the Career Continuum
Language Policy and Language Education Policy
1 Understanding The Rold of Contextualized Inputoutput and Interaction In Language Learning
Conceptual Orientation: Language Learning as an Individual (Cognitive) Achievement
Language Learning as a Collaborative (Social) Achievement
The Role of affect and Motivation
Implications of the Research for Classroom Teaching
Observe and Reflect: Observing a Child Interacting in His/Her Native Language (L1)
Alternative Observation of a Child Interacting in His/Her Native Language (L1)
Observing a Beginning Language (L2) Class
Discuss and Reflect: Creating Real Conversational Models
2 Contextualizing Language Instruction to Address Goals of the Standards For Foreign Language Learning
Conceptual Orientation: A Historical View of Context in Foreign Language Instruction
The Role of Context in Proficiency-Oriented Instruction
An Introduction to the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (SFLL)
Focus on Context: The "Weave" of Curricular Elements
Pre K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards: Using the Standards Framework to "Contextualize" the Curriculum
Teach and Reflect: Developing a Learning Scenario
Contextualizing the Teaching of a Past Tense Grammar Point
Using the Standards at the Post-Secondary level
Discuss and reflect: Teachers Talking Textbooks
3 Organizing Content and Planning for Integratged Language Instruction
Conceptual Orientation: Current Paradigm for Instructional Planning
Planning for Student Learning and the Development of Thinking Skills
Considerations in Providing Input and Selecting Content
Classroom Discourse: Teacher Feedback vs. Evaluation
Long-Term Planning for Instruction
Daily Lesson Planning
Teach and reflect: Planning for Instruction
Developing a Content-Based Level 5 Foreign Language Class
Comparing State Framework and Curriculum Documents
Exploring Options for CBI at the Post-Secondary Level
Discuss and Reflect: Analyzing the Use of Content and context in a Japanese Lesson
4 Connecting Language Learning to the Elementary School Curriculum
Conceptual Orientation: An Optimal Age for Language Acquisition?
The Elementary School Learner
Program Models
Traditional FLES Programs of the Past and Early Language Programs of the Present
Strategies for Teaching Language to Elementary School Learners
Standards Highlight: Making Connections Between Language and the Elementary School Curriculum
Teach and Reflect: Designing a Content-Based Elementary School Lesson
Developing a Storytelling Lesson
Discuss and Reflect: Teaching Fourth-Grade Content in French
5 Integrating Cultures and Comparisons In Middle School Language Instruction
Conceptual Orientation: The Middle Level Learner
Language Instruction in the Middle School
Principles for Middle School Language Instruction
Standards Highlight: Integrating Cultures and Comparisons into Middle School Language Instruction
Assessment of Middle School Performance
Teach and Reflect: Developing Culture-Specific Examples of the Three Ps
Unit and Lesson Design Around a Story, Myth, or Folktale
Viewing and Analyzing Lessons on the Three Ps
Discuss and Reflect: It's McLicious! Staying in the Target Language
6 Using An Interactive Approach to Develop Interpretive Communication
Conceptual Orientation: Framework of Communicative Modes
Standards Highlight: Exploring the Interpretive Mode Through Listening, Reading, Viewing
Interpretive Communication: Listening and reading Processes
The Viewing Process
Research on the Variables Involved in Comprehension and Interpretation
Integration of Authentic Texts
The Role of the Interpretive Mode Across Instructional Levels
An Interactive Model for Integrating the Three Modes of Communication
Teach and Reflect: Using the Interactive Model to Explore an Authentic Printed Text
Using the Interactive Model to Explore an Authentic Audio/Video Segment
Teaching Literature at the Post-Secondary Level
Discuss and Reflect: Reading Aloud
7 Using A Story-Based Approach to Teach Grammer
Conceptual Orientation: The Deductive and Inductive Dichotomy
Reconceptualizing Grammar Instruction
Basic Principles of Dialogic Story-Based Language Teaching
A Model for Dialoguing about Form in a Story-Based Language Approach
Elements of Story-Based Language Learning
Voices of the Learners
Teach and Reflect: Examining Grammar Presentations in Textbooks
Designing a Story-Based PACE Lesson
Developing a PACE Lesson for the Post-Secondary Level
Discuss and Reflect: Contrasting Explanations of Form
8 Developing Oral and Written Interpersonal Communication
Conceptual Orientation: Interpersonal Speaking from a Proficiency Perspective
Standards Highlight: Exploring the Interpersonal Mode Through Speaking and Writing
Strategies for Teaching Interpersonal Speaking
Teacher Interaction with Students
Teaching Strategies for Group Interaction
Student Interaction
Developing Interpersonal Speaking Through Study of Literature and Culture
Teaching Interpersonal Writing
Providing Feedback in Oral Interpersonal Contexts
Teach and Reflect: Creating Information-Gap Activities for Various Levels of Instruction
Integrating Speaking Tasks with Oral or Printed Texts
Integrating Advanced-Level Discourse at the Post-Secondary Level
Discuss and Reflect: "Survivor" Game: Keeping Students in the Target Language
9 Developing Oral and Written Presentational Communication
Conceptual Orientation: Standards Highlight: Exploring the Presentational Mode Through Speaking and Writing
The Nature of Oral and Written Presentational Communication
Presentational Communication: L1 vs. L2
Research on Teaching Presentational Writing
Teaching Presentational Writing and Speaking as a Process
Presentational Writing as Product: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines - Writing
Formats for Presentational Communication in the Classroom
Responding to Presentational Writing
Responding to Oral and Multimedia Presentations
Teach and Reflect: Designing a Presentational Process-Oriented Writing Activity for Secondary Levels or Beyond
Finding the Oral and Written Presentational elements in Prepared Project Units
Discuss and Reflect: Integrating Peer Revision into the Presentational Writing Process
10 Addressing Diverse Needs of Learners In The Language Classroom
Conceptual Orientation: The Diverse Ways in Which Learners Approach Language Learning
Teachers' Personality Types and Teaching Styles
Addressing Diverse Learner Needs
Addressing Diverse Learner Needs Through Differentiated Instruction
Standards Highlight: Bringing diverse Student Groups Together Through Participation in Multilingual Communities
The Communities Goal Area
Teach and Reflect: designing a Language lesson Appropriate for Diverse Learning Styles
Working Within Communities
Discuss and Reflect: Differentiating Instruction: Three Classrooms
11 Assessing Standards-Based Language Performance in Context
Conceptual Orientation: Planning for Assessment in a New Paradigm
Purposes of Tests: A Definition of Terms
Assessment Formats: A Definition of Terms
Assessment Formats: ProchievementPerformance-Based, Interactive Model
Authentic and Standards-Based Assessment
Empowering Students Through Assessment
The Oral Proficiency Interview: Implications for Classroom and Program Assessment
Mediating performance: An Introduction to Dynamic Assessment
Planning for Classroom Assessment
Teach and Reflect: Analyzing and Adapting a Traditional Test
Adding an Authentic Dimension to a Performance-Based Assessment Task
Designing an Integrated Performance Assessment (K-16)
Discuss and Reflect: Developing Authentic Assessment Tasks and Rubrics
12 Using Technology to Contextualize and Integrate Language Instruction
Conceptual Orientation: Technology Connects the Standards
Multimedia Technology in the Three Modes of Communication
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
Empowering Learners Through Web-Enhanced Technologies
What the Future of Technology Holds for Language Learning
Teach and Reflect: Are Your Students Technologically Literate?
Helping Students Address the National Educational Technology Standards
Examining the Potential Use of a TELL Exercise
Creating a WebQuest
Discuss and Reflect: Teaching Through Photos
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