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Web programming : building internet application
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Publication Information:
Chichester : John Wiley, 2000


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Item Category 1
30000004742403 QA76.625 B37 2000 Open Access Book Book
30000004788497 QA76.625 B37 2000 Open Access Book Book
30000004764365 QA76.625 B37 2000 Open Access Book Book

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Demonstrating not only how to use commonly available tools to create dynamic webpages, this book also covers server side technologies. The aim is to show by example how to employ technologies to good effect. Features of HTML, DHTML and Javascript which produce exciting and interactive webpages are highlighted and explained.
XML enables data to be handled by many different applications so that information from spreadsheets, reports, databases and CAD applications can be utilized on the Web. Bates shows ways in which the power of XML can be added to a website.
Recognising that the Web is not just an environment for display and presentation, but is also used extensively for gathering information - and in a world on the brink of embracing e-commerce - for conducting transactions, technologies which send information from browser to server form an important ingredient to the book. Perl, CGI and Active Server Pages are covered and exercises and examples provided to help learn how to implement features
* Well selected and up-to-date content for newly emerging course
* Multi-tool coverage avoids necessity of recommending a book per application
* Practical and hands-on guidance is always backed up by example
* Paced for students with some, but not extensive, programming experience
* Examples are plentiful, practical and well illustrated
* Website provides more examples and links to useful online resources

Author Notes

Chris Bates has provided a comprehensive introduction to web progamming which covers the complex labyrinth of web development in a single volume. Concentrating on immediately useful code, rather than theory, this is a how- to book for programmers who need quick answers. From client-side development using HTML and its extensions, to more complex server-side applications written in ASP, Java and Perl, the complete web system is shown. The sidebar lists the principal web technologies that are covered in this volume.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xvii
Acknowledgmentsp. xxiii
1 Introductionp. 1
1.1 HTML, XML, and the World Wide Webp. 3
Exercisesp. 13
Part I HTMLp. 15
2 Hypertext Markup Languagep. 17
2.1 Basic HTMLp. 17
2.2 The Document Bodyp. 22
2.3 Textp. 26
2.4 Hyperlinksp. 31
2.5 Adding More Formattingp. 37
2.6 Listsp. 37
2.7 Using Color and imagesp. 43
2.8 Imagesp. 43
Exercisesp. 47
3 More HTMLp. 50
3.1 Tablesp. 51
3.2 Multimedia Objectsp. 57
3.3 Framesp. 64
3.4 Forms - Toward Interactivityp. 69
3.5 The HTML Document Head in Detailp. 73
3.6 XHTML - An Evolutionary Markupp. 77
Exercisesp. 82
Part II Stylesheetsp. 85
4 Cascading Stylesheetsp. 87
4.1 Introductionp. 87
4.2 Using Styles: Simple Examplesp. 88
4.3 Defining Your Own Stylesp. 93
4.4 Properties and Values in Stylesp. 97
4.5 Stylesheets - A Worked Examplep. 102
4.6 Formatting Blocks of Informationp. 106
4.7 Layersp. 109
Exercisesp. 119
5 Cascading Style Sheets Twop. 121
5.1 The Design Of CSS2p. 122
5.2 Styling For Paged Mediap. 124
5.3 Using Aural Presentationp. 127
5.4 Counters And Numberingp. 131
Exercisesp. 135
Part III JavaScriptp. 137
6 Introduction to JavaScriptp. 139
6.1 What is Dynamic HTML?p. 140
6.2 JavaScriptp. 141
6.3 JavaScript - The Basicsp. 144
6.4 Variablesp. 151
6.5 String Manipulationp. 158
6.6 Mathematical Functionsp. 163
6.7 Statementsp. 167
6.8 Operatorsp. 174
6.9 Arraysp. 175
6.10 Functionsp. 188
Exercisesp. 196
7 Objects in JavaScriptp. 198
7.1 Data and Objects in JavaScriptp. 198
7.2 Regular Expressionsp. 203
7.3 Exception Handlingp. 211
7.4 Built-in Objectsp. 215
7.5 Cookiesp. 225
7.6 Eventsp. 230
Exercisesp. 235
8 Dynamic HTML with JavaScriptp. 237
8.1 Data Validationp. 238
8.2 Opening a New Windowp. 242
8.3 Messages and Confirmationsp. 244
8.4 The Status Barp. 245
8.5 Writing to a Different Framep. 246
8.6 Rollover Buttonsp. 252
8.7 Moving Imagesp. 257
8.8 Multiple Pages in a Single Downloadp. 261
8.9 A Text-only Menu Systemp. 264
8.10 Floating Logosp. 267
Exercisesp. 270
Part IV Perlp. 273
9 Programming in Perl 5p. 275
9.1 Why Perl?p. 277
9.2 On-line Documentationp. 278
9.3 The Basic Perl Programp. 280
9.4 Scalarsp. 283
9.5 Arraysp. 287
9.6 Hashesp. 293
9.7 Control Structuresp. 299
9.8 Processing Textp. 308
9.9 Regular Expressionsp. 319
9.10 Using Filesp. 328
9.11 Subroutinesp. 331
9.12 Bits and Piecesp. 335
Exercisesp. 340
10 CGI Scriptingp. 346
10.1 What is CGI?p. 346
10.2 Developing CGI Applicationsp. 347
10.3 Processing CGIp. 349
10.4 Introduction to CGI.pmp. 349
10.5 Methodsp. 351
10.6 Creating HTML Pages Dynamicallyp. 352
10.7 Using - An Examplep. 356
10.8 Adding Robustnessp. 357
10.9 Carpp. 360
10.10 Cookiesp. 361
Exercisesp. 367
11 Building Web Applications With Perlp. 369
11.1 Uploading Filesp. 371
11.2 Tracking Users With Hidden Datap. 376
11.3 Using Relational Databasesp. 379
11.4 Using libwwwp. 386
11.5 Template-based Sites With HTML::Masonp. 393
11.6 Creating And Manipulating Imagesp. 402
Exercisesp. 417
Part V PHPp. 419
12 An Introduction to PHPp. 491
12.1 PHPp. 422
12.2 Introducing PHPp. 423
12.3 Including PHP in a Pagep. 425
12.4 Data Typesp. 429
12.5 Program Controlp. 434
12.6 Arraysp. 441
12.7 User-Defined Functionsp. 450
12.8 Built-in Functionsp. 452
12.9 Regular Expressionp. 464
12.10 Using Filesp. 468
Exercisesp. 473
13 Building Web Applications With PHPp. 475
13.1 Tracking Usersp. 476
13.2 Using Databasesp. 485
13.3 Handling XMLp. 498
Exercisesp. 506
Part VI Miscellanyp. 509
14 XML: Defining Data for Web Applicationsp. 511
14.1 Basic XMLp. 514
14.2 Document Type Definitionp. 523
14.3 XML Schemap. 530
14.4 Document Object Modelp. 533
14.5 Presenting XMLp. 535
14.6 Handling XML with Perlp. 546
14.7 Using XML::Parserp. 550
14.8 Handling the DOM with Perlp. 568
Exercisesp. 568
15 Good Designp. 569
15.1 Structurep. 571
15.2 Tables versus Frames versus...p. 572
15.3 Accessibilityp. 577
15.4 Internationalizationp. 581
Exercisesp. 581
16 Protocolsp. 583
16.1 Protocolsp. 584
16.2 IP and TCPp. 585
16.3 Hypertext Transfer Protocolp. 588
16.4 Common Gateway Interfacep. 592
16.5 The Document Object Modelp. 596
16.6 Introducing The Document Object Modelp. 598
Exercisesp. 599
17 Case Studyp. 601
17.1 The Planp. 601
17.2 The Datap. 603
Part VII Appendicesp. 607
Glossaryp. 609
Appendix A Accessing a Database From PHP Using mysqlip. 613
Appendix B Accessing a Database From PHP Using Pear DBp. 619
Appendix C HTML Color Codesp. 615
Appendix D HTML Entitiesp. 630
Indexp. 639
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