Cover image for Entrepreneurship and globalization
Entrepreneurship and globalization
Contemporary issues in business and globalization
Publication Information:
London : Sage, 2009
Physical Description:
5 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.


Item Barcode
Call Number
Material Type
Item Category 1
30000010198485 HD62.4 E57 2009 Multipart set.1 Open Access Book Great Book
30000010198484 HD62.4 E57 2009 Multipart set.2 Open Access Book Great Book
30000010198483 HD62.4 E57 2009 Multipart set.3 Open Access Book Great Book
30000010198482 HD62.4 E57 2009 Multipart set.4 Open Access Book Great Book
30000010198481 HD62.4 E57 2009 Multipart set.5 Open Access Book Great Book

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The importance of Entrepreneurship and Globalization is two-fold. Firstly, it draws together earlier literature on SME export development and internationalization from disparate sources into a cohesive body of work, which traces the evolution of our understanding of the topic. Secondly, in the context of the emergence of academic and policy interest in international new ventures, it provides a useful context and backdrop to new theories that are emerging to challenge conventional wisdom. This set of five volumes provides scholars with a sense of where the field has come from and to where it is heading. The volumes have the following themes, Theories of SME Internationalization; Export Development in SMEs; International New Ventures; and the Future of Global Entrepreneurship.

Table of Contents

Volume 1 Small Business Exporting: Adoption of Innovation
International Activities in Small Firms: Examining factors influencing the internationalization and export growth of small firmsS. Andersson and J. Gabrielsson and L. Wictor
Firm Size, Business Experience and Export Intensity in SMEs: A longitudinal approach to complex relationshipsA. Majocchi and E. Bacchicchi and U. Mayrhofer
Export Performance: Do managerial perceptions make a differenceC. Axinn
Managerial Influences on Export Performance: A review of the empirical literature 1978-1988N-E. Aaby and S.F. Slater
Attitude-behaviour Inconsistency in ExportingA. Eshghi
Small Businesses and Exporting A Literature ReviewK.J. Miesenbock
Export Promotion: The role and impact of government servicesR.F.H. Seringhaus
An Experience Curve Explanation of Export ExpansionM.L. Ursic and M.R. Czinkota
On the Relationship Between Firm Size and Export IntensityA. Bonacorsi
An Attempted Integration of the Literature on the Export Behavior of FirmsW.J. Bilkey
Pre-export Activity: The first step in internationalizationF. Wiedersheim-Paul and H.C. Olson and L.S. Welch
The Adoption of Export as an Innovative StrategyW.Y. Lee and J.J. Brasch
Export Strategy: Concentration on key markets versus market spreadingN.F. Piercy
Identifying Managerial Influences on Exporting: Past research and future directionsL.C. Leonidou and C.S. Katsikeas and N.F. Piercy
Internal Determinants of Export Marketing Behaviour: An empirical investigationS.T. Cavusgil and J.R. Nevin
The Determinants of Export Performance: A review of the empirical literature between 1987 and 1997S. Zhou and S. Stan
Managerial and Firm Influences on Export BehaviorS. Reid
Export Decision-making in Small Firms: The role of organizational learningW.J. Burpitt and D.A. Rondinelli
An Exploration of the Management Practices and Processes most Closely Associated with High Levels of Export Capability in SMEsI. Doole and T. Grimes and D. Demack
An Analysis of the Barriers Hindering Small Business Export DevelopmentL.C. Leonidou
Volume 2 From Exporting to Internationalization
The Internationalisation of New High potential U.S. Ventures: Antecedents and outcomesJ. Bloodgood and H.J. Sapienza and J.G. Almeida
Local Resource Mobilization and Internationalization Strategies in Small and Medium Sized EnterprisesE. Vatne
Understanding the Role of Export Marketing Assistance: Empirical evidence and research needsA. Diamantopoulos and B.B. Schlegelmilch and K.Y. Tse
The Mechanism of InternationalizationJ. Johanson and J-E. Vahlne
Firm Internationalisation, Transaction Costs and Strategy ChoiceS.D. Reid
The Coincidence of Technology and Market Objectives in the Internationalization of New Technology-Based FirmsM. Fontes and R. Coombs
Industry Characteristics and Internationalization Processes in Small FirmsH. Boter and C. Holmquist
Internationalization: Evolution of a conceptL.S. Welch and R. Luostarinen
On the Internationalization Process of Firms: A critical analysisO. Andersen
The Influence of the Management Team's International Experience on the Internationalization Behaviors of SMEsR. Reuber and E. Fischer
The Impact of Size on InternationalizationJ. Calof
Internationalisation of Small and Medium Sized Technology Based Firms: An exploratory studyN. Karagozoglu and M. Lindell
De-internationalizationG.R. Benito and L.S. Welch
Time-span Until Internationalization: Foreign market rntry as a nuilt-in mechanism of innovationsM-J. Oesterle
Internationalization as a Strategy ProcessL. Melin
Business Relationship Learning and Commitment in the Internationalization ProcessJ. Johanson and J-E. Vahlne
Internationalization and the Smaller Firm: A review of contemporary empirical researchN. Coviello and A. McAuley
Volume 3 Rapid Internationalization and International New Ventures
Growing the Entrepreneurial Firm: Networking for international market developmentN. Coviello and H. Munro
The Internationalization Process of Born Globals: A network viewD.D. Sharma and A. Blomstermo
Social Capital, Knowledge and the International Growth of Technology-based New FirmsH. Yli-Renko and E. Autio and V. Tontti
Dynamic Knowledge Related Learning Processes in Internationalizing High-tech SMEsS. Saarenketo and K. Pumalainen and O. Kuivalaninen and K. Kylaheiko
Relationships and the Internationalization of Finnish Small and Medium Sized CompaniesM. Holmlund and S. Kock
The Internationalisation of Small Firms: Personal factors revisitedT.S. Manolova and C.G. Brush and L.F. Edelman and P.G. Greene
Social Capital and its Influence on Changes in Internationalization Mode AmongS. Chetty and H. Agndal
The Internationalization of New and Small Firms: A resource based viewP. Westhead and M. Wright and D. Ucbasaran
Business Networks and Cooperation in International Business RelationshipsD. Blankeberg-Holm and K. Eriksson and J. Johanson
The Importance of Networks in Export Promotion: Policy issuesD.E. Welch and L.S. Welch and L.C. Young and I.F. Wilkinson
Toward a Knowledge Based Conceptualization of InternationalizationS. Prasthantham
The Internationalization Process and Networks: A strategic management perspectiveD.E. Welch and L.S. Welch
Internet-enabled International Marketing: A small business network perspectiveS. Poon and C. Jevons
Internationalization Processes, Networking and Local Embeddedness in Technology Intensive Small FirmsD. Keeble et al
The Founding of the Born Global Company in Denmark and Australia: Sensemaking and networkingE.S. Rasmussen and T-K. Madsen and F. Evangelista
The Internationalization and Performance of SMEsJ.W. Lu and P.W. Beamish
Volume 4 International Entrepreneurship
Small International Firms: Typology, performance and implicationsA. Aspelund and O. Moen
How New Ventures Exploit Trade-offs among International Risk Factors: Lessons for the accelerated internationalizationof the 21st centuryR.C. Shrader and B.M. Oviatt and P.P. McDougall
Effects of Age at Entry, Knowledge Intensity, and Limitability on International GrowthE. Autio and H.J. Sapienza and J.G. Almeida
Internationalization of born global and gradual globalizing firms: the impact of the managerP.D. Harveston and B.L. Kedia and P.S. Davis
A Global Mindset - a Prerequisite for Successful Internationalization?N. Nummela and S. Saakenketo and K. Puumalainen
Micromultinationals: New types of firms for the global competitive landscapeP. Dimitratos and J. Johnson and J. Slow and S. Young
Born Globals: How to reach new business space rapidlyM. Gabrielsson and M.V. Kirpalani
The Phenomenon of Early Internationalizing Firms: What do we know after a decade (1993-2003) of scientific inquiry?A. Rialp and J. Rialp and G.A. Knight
The Internationalization of 'High Performing' UK High-tech SMEs: A study of planned and unplanned strategiesD. Crick and M. Spence
The Internationalization of Born Globals: An evolutionary process?T.K. Madsen and P. Servais
Explaining the Formation of International New ventures: The limits of theories from international business researchP.P. McDougall and S. Shane and B.M. Oviatt
Innovation, Organizational Capabilities, and the Born-global FirmG.A. Knight and S.T. Cavusgil
Barriers to Internationalisation: A study of entrepreneurial new ventures in New ZealandV. Shaw and J. Darroch
The Role of the Internet in the Internationalisation of Small and Medium Sized CompaniesS. Loane
Technology Resource Leveraging and the Internationalization of New VenturesS.A. Zahra and B.P. Matherne and J.M. Caleton
Born-again Global' Firms: An extension to the 'born global' phenomenonJ. Bell and E. McNaughton and S. Young
The Internationalization of Small High-technology FirmsM.V. Jones
Born Global or Gradual Global? Examining the export behavior of SMEsO. Moen and P. Servais
The Internationalization Process of the Smaller Firm: Re-framing the relationship between market commitment, knowledge and involvementP.W. Lamb and P.W. Liesch
The Internationalization of Small Computer Software FirmsJ. Bell
Volume 5 Future Directions
A Capabilities Perspective on the Effects of Early Internationalization on Firm Survival and GrowthH.J. Sapienza and E. Autio and G. George and S.A. Zahra
Entrepreneur's Relationships for Internationalization: Functions, origins and strategiesS. Harris and C. Wheeler
The Internationalisation of the Firms from an Entrepreneurial PerspectiveS. Andersson
Internationalization: Conceptualizing an entrepreneurial process of behavior in timeM.V. Jones and N.E. Coviello
The Survival of International New VenturesR. Mudambi and S.A. Zahra
The International Entrepreneurial Dynamics of Accelerated InternationalizationJ.A. Mathews and I. Zander
Theoretical Foundations of an International Entrepreneurial CultureP. Dimitratos and E. Plakoyiannaki
Entrepreneurship and Strategy in the International SMEG.A. Knight
Entrepreneurship, Globalization and Public PolicyZ.J. Acs and R.K. Morck and B. Yeung
Ownership and the Internationalization of Small FirmsG. George and J. Wiklund and S.A. Zahra
Firms Degree of Born-globalness, International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export PerformanceO. Kuivalainen and S. Sundqvist and P. Servais
Conceptualising Accelerated Internationalization in the Born Global Firm: A dynamic capabilities perspectiveJ. Weerawardeba and G. Mort and P.W. Liesch and G. Knight
A Cross-national Study on the Impact of Management Teams on the Rapid Internationalization of Small FirmsS. Loane and J. Bell and R. McNaughton
Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and International Entrepreneurship: A critique and policy implicationsM. Wright and P. Westhead and D. Ucbasaran
Toward a Contingency Framework of Export Entrepreneurship: Conceptualisation and empirical evidenceK. Ibeh
International Entrepreneurship: The intersection of two research pathsP.P. McDougall and B.M. Oviatt
The Network Dynamics in International New VenturesN. Coviello
Networking Capability and International Entrepreneurship - how networks function in Australian born global firmsG. Mort and J. Weerawardena
Towards a Typology of Commitment States among Managers of Norn-global firms: A study of accelerated internationalizationS. Freeman and S.T. Cavusgil