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The effective measurement and management of IT costs and benefits
Personal Author:
Computer weekly professional series
2nd ed.
Publication Information:
Oxford : Elsevier, 2000


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30000004995902 HD30.2 R45 2000 Open Access Book Book

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The rapidly increasing level of expenditure on information technology in most organisations is one reason why IT benefits management has become an important business concern.

Top management have begun to insist that much more attention be paid to the economic aspects of information systems. This had led to a great demand for a comprehensive IT metric. However, little attempt has yet been made to produce a complete approach to understanding the economics of how information is used to boost the efficiency or effectiveness of companies.

This second and fully updated edition of The Effective Measurement and Management of IT Costs and Benefits provides a basic framework for an understanding of the economic issues of information as well as some suggestions as to how a company's IT efforts may be appraised.

The authors discuss a number of different evaluation concepts as well as reviewing several approaches to cost and benefit measurement. An IT Assessment Metric (ITAM) is proposed which allows firms to measure their progress towards obtaining maximum value from their information technology efforts.

- A professional level book for the computer Weekly Professional Series- Provides a basic framework for an understanding of the economic issues of information as well as some suggestions as to how a company's IT efforts may be appraised.

Table of Contents

Professional Seriesp. xi
About the authorsp. xiv
How to use this bookp. xvi
Preface to the first editionp. xvii
Preface to the current editionp. xix
Forewordp. xx
1 The elusive nature of IT benefitsp. 1
1.1 Introductionp. 1
1.2 Economics of informationp. 2
1.3 Some progress in understanding information systemsp. 3
1.4 The problems with IT benefit measurement and managementp. 4
1.5 Investment, value and economicsp. 9
1.6 IT investment as an assetp. 13
1.7 Processes, practices and peoplep. 14
1.8 Looking for benefits and valuep. 15
1.9 Primary stakeholdersp. 15
1.10 The locus of responsibilityp. 17
1.11 Summaryp. 20
2 Why evaluate information technology investments?p. 23
2.1 Introductionp. 23
2.2 Different approaches to evaluationp. 25
2.3 Establish the costsp. 28
2.4 The problems of benefit evaluationp. 29
2.5 Summaryp. 31
3 Aspects of the IT investment decision processp. 33
3.1 Are IT investment decisions different?p. 33
3.2 Must-do IT investmentsp. 36
3.3 A core business investment decisionp. 37
3.4 Investment in a prestige projectp. 39
3.5 Investments in research and developmentp. 42
3.6 An IT investmentp. 44
3.7 A way forwardp. 50
3.8 Summaryp. 54
4 Issues and techniques for IT evaluationp. 57
4.1 A concept of valuep. 57
4.2 Value as a function of context and perceptionp. 58
4.3 Measuring business performancep. 60
4.4 When is performance measuredp. 62
4.5 The assessment of IT effectivenessp. 64
4.6 Purpose of the IT investmentp. 66
4.7 Matching the assessment effort to strategyp. 66
4.8 Different approaches to measurementp. 67
4.9 Intangible benefitsp. 68
4.10 Specific methodologiesp. 71
4.11 Classification of methodologiesp. 79
4.12 Choice of evaluation methodologyp. 83
4.13 Summaryp. 83
5 Identification of IT costsp. 85
5.1 Introductionp. 85
5.2 The costing processp. 86
5.3 Acknowledging cost portfoliosp. 88
5.4 Direct cost portfoliop. 89
5.5 Indirect human cost portfoliop. 90
5.6 Indirect organisational cost portfoliop. 92
5.7 Summaryp. 94
6 IT cost controlp. 95
6.1 Introductionp. 95
6.2 An IT or IS department budgetp. 96
6.3 Assumptions underpinning IS managementp. 99
6.4 Situational auditp. 100
6.5 Future requirements--the strategic information systems planp. 101
6.6 Methods for cost improvementp. 102
6.7 The commercialisation of the It departmentp. 104
6.8 Summaryp. 105
7 It business case accountingp. 107
7.1 Introductionp. 107
7.2 Concepts required for business case accountingp. 107
7.3 Pattern of costsp. 110
7.4 Sources of cost estimatesp. 111
7.5 Business case accounting in practicep. 112
7.6 Cost displacementp. 112
7.7 Cost avoidancep. 116
7.8 Decision analysisp. 117
7.9 Impact or time release analysisp. 119
7.10 How to put a financial estimate to an intangible benefitp. 120
7.11 Transformate analysisp. 121
7.12 Ex-post investment evaluationp. 122
7.13 Processes for business case accounting or financial analysisp. 123
7.14 Deterministic analysisp. 124
7.15 Summaryp. 126
8 Risk analysisp. 129
8.1 Introductionp. 129
8.2 Using spreadsheets for risk analysisp. 133
8.3 Worked examplesp. 138
8.4 Financial risk review processp. 147
8.5 Summaryp. 147
9 Evaluation of the IT functionp. 149
9.1 A holistic approach to IT function evaluationp. 149
9.2 Goal-centred versus systems' resourcesp. 151
9.3 Tangible versus intangible benefitsp. 152
9.4 User information satisfaction (UIS)p. 153
9.5 A gap approach to measurementp. 154
9.6 A gap model applied to an office automation systemp. 160
9.7 Basic resultsp. 166
9.8 Some implications arising from the analysisp. 168
9.9 Performance analysisp. 170
9.10 Factor analysisp. 173
9.11 Summary of findingsp. 180
9.12 Analysing qualitative informationp. 180
9.13 A multiple gap approach to measuring UISp. 190
9.14 Using a questionnaire approach to measure It effectivenessp. 204
9.15 Summaryp. 205
10 Ranking and scoringp. 207
10.1 Introductionp. 207
10.2 Five steps to evaluationp. 207
10.3 A spreadsheet system for overview evaluationp. 210
10.4 Summaryp. 212
11 Value for money and health checksp. 213
11.1 Efficiency and effectiveness studiesp. 213
11.2 A value for money studyp. 214
11.3 Setting up a value for money studyp. 215
11.4 Detailed planning of the studyp. 217
11.5 Analysing the resultsp. 222
11.6 A list of action pointsp. 224
11.7 A health check review (HCR) studyp. 224
11.8 NCC HCR studyp. 225
11.9 Summaryp. 229
12 Designing It surveys for benefit measurementp. 231
12.1 Introductionp. 231
12.2 What is a survey?p. 232
12.3 Approaches to data collectionp. 232
12.4 Samplingp. 235
12.5 Questionnaire designp. 244
12.6 Measurement scalesp. 254
12.7 A guide to conducting a surveyp. 257
12.8 Summaryp. 258
13 Evaluation and project managementp. 261
13.1 Introductionp. 261
13.2 The traditional approachp. 262
13.3 Moving away from the traditional approachp. 265
13.4 Active benefit realisationp. 266
13.5 The evaluation processp. 267
13.6 The ABR picturesp. 273
13.7 Using the picturesp. 283
13.8 Summaryp. 286
14 Final thoughtsp. 287
14.1 Introductionp. 287
14.2 No obvious methodologyp. 288
14.3 Start with the high level viewp. 289
14.4 Know the purpose of the evaluationp. 290
14.5 Evaluation is never trivial nor inexpensivep. 291
14.6 A tool kitp. 292
14.7 A change in culturep. 292
14.8 Summaryp. 293
Appendicesp. 295
A Glossary of termsp. 295
B Acronymsp. 307
C Financial measures used in cost benefit analysisp. 311
D Factor analysisp. 315
E Sample sizing scenariosp. 323
F Measurement of IS effectiveness--a questionnairep. 331
G Active benefit realisation--a questionnairep. 337
H Issues addressed in effectiveness surveysp. 345
I Bibliography and reading listp. 349
Indexp. 357