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Cyberlaw and e-commerce regulation : an entrepreneurial approach
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Australia : Thomson/South-Western, 2005


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30000010076126 KF889.3 M44 2005 Open Access Book Book

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Traditional Cyberlaw textbooks may not cover all you need to know. Only CYBERLAW AND E-COMMERCE REGULATION: AN ENTREPRENEURIAL APPROACH begins with the fundamentals of cyber law and e-commerce regulation in a global business context, then shows you how to make them work in your business. Whether you're an undergrad or an MBA student, this is the Cyberlaw textbook that gives you the edge in both class and the real world.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xii
About the Authorp. xviii
Unit 1 Cyber Entrepreneurs, E-Commerce, and the Lawp. 1
Chapter 1 Overview of CyberLaw and E-Commerce Business Modelsp. 3
Fundamentals of the Internetp. 5
Background and Brief History of the Internetp. 5
Physical Structurep. 6
Domain Name Systemp. 7
Accessing the Internetp. 9
ISPs, IAPs, and OSPsp. 9
Connecting to the Internetp. 10
Bandwidthp. 10
Wireless Accessp. 12
The Tech Boom and Entrepreneurismp. 12
Bricks-and-Mortar Shift to E-Commercep. 13
Basic Cyber Entrepreneur and E-Commerce Business Modelsp. 14
Inherent Risksp. 14
Sources of Law Affecting Cyber Entrepreneurs and E-Commerce Firmsp. 14
Statutory Lawp. 15
Constitutional Lawp. 18
Common Lawp. 18
The Modern Viewp. 18
Global Perspectives in CyberLawp. 19
Chapter 2 Going Online: Formation Issuesp. 25
Fundamentals of Selecting the Business Entityp. 25
Personal Liabilityp. 26
Organizational Expensesp. 26
Management and Controlp. 26
Capital and Creditp. 27
Tax Treatmentp. 27
Forms of Business Organizationsp. 30
Sole Proprietorshipp. 30
Partnershipsp. 30
Corporationsp. 31
Limited Liability Entitiesp. 32
Joint Ventures: Special Concerns of Cyber Entrepreneurs and E-Commerce Firmsp. 35
Corporations as Joint Venture Entitiesp. 36
Partnerships as Joint Venture Entitiesp. 36
Limited Liability Companies as Joint Venture Entitiesp. 36
Contribution of Intellectual Property: Unique Issues for Cyber Entrepreneur Joint Venturesp. 37
Joint Ventures and Intellectual Property Licensingp. 37
Fiduciary Duties of Officers and Directorsp. 38
Business Judgment Rulep. 39
Global Perspectives in Cyberlaw: Forms of International Businessp. 42
Chapter 3 Taxation of Products and Servicesp. 47
The States and Their Sales and Use Taxesp. 47
Taxation of Mail Order Vendors: A Guideline for Internet Transactionsp. 48
Other Nexus Theoriesp. 52
Challenges in the Taxation of Internet Sales and E-Commercep. 52
Physical Locationp. 52
Regulating Parties and Goodsp. 53
Commercial and Noncommercial Internet Transmissionsp. 53
The Internet Tax Freedom Actp. 54
Special Taxation Issues Facing Cyber Entrepreneurs and E-Commerce Firmsp. 55
Taxation of E-Commerce and Internet Salesp. 55
Internet Access Providersp. 56
Bricks and Clicks: E-Commerce Relationshipsp. 57
The States' Treatment of Transactions and Electronic Contentp. 57
Sales and Use Tax Treatment of Computer Softwarep. 58
State Income and Franchise Taxesp. 58
Global Issues in Cyberlaw: International Taxation of E-Commercep. 59
The European Unionp. 59
OECD Reportp. 59
Foreign Tax Incentivesp. 60
Double-Taxation Remediesp. 61
Foreign Tax Credit and Tax Treatiesp. 61
Unit 2 Intellectual Property Lawp. 65
Chapter 4 Patents: Legal Protection of Inventions and Processesp. 67
Viability of a Patentp. 67
Fundamentals of Patent Lawp. 68
Noveltyp. 68
Nonobviousnessp. 69
Patentable Subject Matterp. 69
Modern Trendsp. 72
The American Inventors Protection Actp. 74
Types of Patentsp. 74
Business Method Patentsp. 74
Design Patentsp. 76
Plant Patentsp. 76
From Idea to Patentp. 76
Party Qualified to Filep. 76
The Patent Application and Examination Processp. 78
Patent Infringementp. 79
Literal Infringementp. 79
Equivalencep. 79
File Wrapper Estoppelp. 79
The Public Use Doctrinep. 82
Remedies and Damagesp. 82
Actual Damagesp. 82
Attorneys' Feesp. 82
Limitationsp. 83
Noticep. 83
Infringement Defensesp. 83
Global Issues in CyberLaw: Intellectual Propertyp. 83
International Patent Lawp. 84
Chapter 5 Protection of Trade Secrets, Trademarks, and Trade Dressp. 89
Trade Secret Protectionp. 89
Legal Protection of Trade Secretsp. 90
Misappropriationp. 90
Economic Espionage Actp. 91
Exclusive Rightsp. 92
Trademarks, Service Marks, and Trade Dressp. 92
Business Value of Trademarksp. 93
Protection under the Lawp. 93
Trademark Classificationp. 93
Acquiring Rightsp. 94
Applications and the Patent and Trademark Officep. 95
Preserving Trademark Protectionp. 96
Violation of Trademarksp. 96
Trademark Infringementp. 96
Trademark Dilutionp. 97
Infringement Defensesp. 99
Remediesp. 100
Trademarks in Cyberspacep. 100
Domain Names, Virtual Kidnapping, and Cybersquattingp. 100
Metatagsp. 104
Framingp. 104
Global Perspectives in Cyberlawp. 104
International Protection of Trademarksp. 104
The Trademark Law Treatyp. 105
Non-TLT Signatoriesp. 105
The European Unionp. 105
Chapter 6 Copyrightsp. 109
Copyright Lawp. 110
Originality and "Sweat of the Brow"p. 110
Evolution of U.S. Copyright Lawp. 112
Audio Home Recording Act of 1992p. 112
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995p. 114
No Electronic Theft Act of 1997p. 115
Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998p. 115
Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 and Length of Ownershipp. 117
Copyrights and Computer Programsp. 118
Rights of Copyright Ownersp. 118
Copyright Protectionp. 118
Copyright Infringementp. 122
Directp. 122
Indirectp. 122
RIAA's Plan B-A Scorched Earth Litigation Strategy at the Individual User Levelp. 125
Vicarious Infringementp. 126
Remediesp. 126
Injunctive Reliefp. 126
Damagesp. 127
Attorney's Fees and Costsp. 127
Criminal Sanctionsp. 127
Copyright Infringement Defensesp. 127
Fair Usep. 127
First Salep. 130
Public Domainp. 130
Global Perspectives in Cyberlaw: The Berne Convention and U.S. Isolationalismp. 130
Unit 3 Legal Issues of Operation, Management, and Windup of E-Commerce Firmsp. 135
Chapter 7 Litigation and Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolutionp. 137
Litigationp. 137
Phases of Litigationp. 137
Prelawsuitp. 138
Pleadings Phasep. 138
Discovery Phasep. 142
Pretrialp. 144
Trialp. 144
Posttrial Motions and Appealsp. 145
Collecting the Judgmentp. 145
Alternate Dispute Resolutionp. 146
Fundamentalsp. 146
Methods of Alternate Dispute Resolutionp. 147
Arbitrationp. 149
Mediation and Med-Arbp. 151
Expert Evaluationp. 152
Online Dispute Resolutionp. 152
Transactions and Relationshipsp. 153
Online Mediationp. 153
Online Arbitrationp. 153
Global Perspectives in Cyberlaw: International Dispute Resolutionp. 154
International Arbitrationp. 154
International Mediationp. 156
Chapter 8 Jurisdiction in and out of Cyberspacep. 159
Jurisdictionp. 160
Source of Lawp. 160
Personal Jurisdictionp. 160
Subject Matterp. 162
Exclusive Jurisdiction and Concurrent Jurisdictionp. 164
Venuep. 164
Evolution of Cyber Jurisdiction and E-Commercep. 164
Other Views: Narrowing Zippop. 167
Global Perspectives in Cyberlaw: International Jurisdiction and the Internetp. 170
Directive on Electronic Commerce of the European Unionp. 171
Chapter 9 Contracts, Sales, and E-Commerce Transactionsp. 175
Overview of Contract Lawp. 176
Sources of Lawp. 176
Statutory Sources of Law in the Tech Sectorp. 176
Formation of a Contractp. 177
Agreementp. 177
Considerationp. 178
Capacityp. 181
Legalityp. 181
Statute of Fraudsp. 182
Parol Evidence and Common Law Contractsp. 183
Performance and Conditionsp. 183
Breach and Remediesp. 185
Article 2--Contracts for the Sale and Lease of Goodsp. 185
Merchants v. Non-Merchantsp. 186
Article 2A--Leasesp. 186
Forms of Leasesp. 186
Offerp. 186
Open Termsp. 186
Acceptancep. 187
Considerationp. 187
Statute of Fraudsp. 188
Parol Evidence and the U.C.C.p. 188
Electronic Contractsp. 188
UETAp. 188
UCITAp. 190
Chapter 10 Torts, Cyber Torts, and Product Liabilityp. 197
Tortsp. 197
Cyber Tortsp. 198
Defamationp. 198
Defenses to Defamationp. 199
Liability of Publishersp. 199
Other Intentional Cyber Tortsp. 202
Trespassp. 202
Negligencep. 205
Hypothetical Negligence Casep. 205
Defensesp. 206
Strict Liability for Products in the Technology Sectorp. 207
Product Liability and Value-Added Resellers in the Tech Sectorp. 207
Chapter 11 Raising Capital and Regulation of Securitiesp. 213
Sources of Capitalp. 213
Equity Instrumentsp. 213
Debt Instrumentsp. 215
Securities Lawp. 218
Security Definedp. 218
Federal Securities Regulationp. 220
The Securities Act of 1933p. 221
Exemptions from the '33 Actp. 221
The Securities Act of 1934p. 223
Insider Tradingp. 223
State Regulation of Securities: Blue Sky Lawsp. 223
Abuses in Litigation: Amendments to the Securities Actsp. 224
Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998p. 224
Technology's Impact on Raising Capitalp. 224
Marketing Securities over the Internetp. 225
New Securities and the Internetp. 227
Federal Regulationp. 227
State Regulationp. 229
Public Offerings of Securities on the Webp. 229
A Streaming Road Showp. 230
Online Offerings of Exempt Securitiesp. 231
Trading on the Secondary Market in Cyberspacep. 231
Antifraud Laws, Cyber Entrepreneurs, and E-Commercep. 233
Antifraud and the Cyber Entrepreneurp. 234
Chapter 12 Antitrust Law and Technologyp. 239
Antitrust Statutesp. 239
The Sherman Act: Per Se Violations and the Rule of Reasonp. 240
Horizontal Restraints among Competitorsp. 241
Price Fixingp. 241
Allocation of Markets or Customersp. 242
Boycotts: Concerted Refusal to Dealp. 243
Trade Associationsp. 245
Vertical Restraintsp. 246
Monopolizationp. 249
The Microsoft Casep. 250
Microsoft on Appealp. 253
The Clayton Actp. 255
The Robinson-Patman Actp. 256
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Dissolution, and Windupp. 261
Bankruptcy Lawp. 261
Chapter 7: Liquidationp. 262
Steps in a Chapter 7 Proceedingp. 262
Chapter 11: Reorganizationp. 268
Steps of a Chapter 11 Proceedingp. 268
Chapter 13: Consumer Adjustment Bankruptcyp. 270
Bankruptcy and E-Commercep. 270
Dissolution and Windupp. 271
Dissolution as an Alternative to Bankruptcyp. 271
Dissolution of Partnershipsp. 271
Dissolution of Corporationsp. 273
Windupp. 278
Unit 4 Human Resources and Other Government Regulationp. 283
Chapter 14 Hiring, Employee Supervision, and Terminationp. 285
Overview of the Employment-At-Will Doctrinep. 285
Implied Employment Contractsp. 286
Public Policy Exception to the Employment-at-Will Doctrinep. 286
Whistle-Blower Protectionsp. 287
Employee Privacy Rightsp. 288
Federal Solutions: Existing Legislationp. 290
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986p. 290
Overview of ECPA Title II: Prohibition Against Accessing Stored Electronic Communicationsp. 293
Exceptions for the Interception of and Access to Electronic Communicationsp. 293
Disclosure under Title I and Title IIp. 294
Damages under the ECPAp. 295
State Statutesp. 295
Employment Discriminationp. 295
Overview of Employment Discrimination Lawsp. 296
Theories of Liability under Employment Discrimination Statutesp. 297
Harassmentp. 297
Employer Liability for Harassmentp. 297
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)p. 298
Discrimination Concerns and Technologyp. 298
E-Mail and Electronic Bulletin Boardsp. 298
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Discrimination Against Online Consumersp. 300
Chapter 15 Computer Crime, Internet Regulation, and Obscenityp. 305
Crackdowns in Cyberspacep. 305
Regulating E-Mail Solicitations: State Legislation and the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003p. 306
Computer-Related Crimep. 306
Unauthorized Usep. 307
Denial of Service Attacksp. 308
Virtual Vandalismp. 309
Programs Intended to Cause Damagep. 309
Cyber Stalkingp. 310
Computer Crime Statutesp. 310
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (18 U.S.C. [section] 1030)p. 311
Global Perspectives on Cyberlaw: The European Union's Cyber Copsp. 312
Civil Liability and Remediesp. 313
Obscenityp. 314
Overview of the Historical Background of Obscenity Regulationp. 314
Obscenity in Cyberspacep. 314
The Communications Decency Actp. 314
Congressional Response to Reno I: Child Online Protection Act of 1998p. 315
State Attempts to Regulate Internet Obscenitiesp. 316
Appendix A Amendments to the U.S. Constitutionp. 321
Appendix B Federal Trademark Dilution Actp. 323
Appendix C Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)p. 324
Appendix D Excerpt from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998)p. 325
Glossaryp. 335
Table of Casesp. 343
Indexp. 345